Sunday, January 2, 2011

Recap and new caps

Ugh, 3:30AM I slept for two hours. I felt super sleepy but now, after two hours of sleep its gone? Geez, I thought I'd sleep in until afternoon at least, so much for that.

As blogger is only for my own personal history and those who want to intervene in my life, I will post for my own benefactors.

Girlfriend and I broke up, but not yet parted. M and W just noticed one of us being upside down for the other, cannot last forever.

...I just drank my last Cocacola... :\ DAMN IT

So now I am finding a way to add music onto my blogger. And I uploaded a picture of a fish eye photo for Michelle :p


    I really like the music. Next time I talk to you, tell me what it is.
    The metaphor of the M&W and upside is clever. It couldn't last forever, but we still have our friendship...
    I really like the picture. It's really nice. I look forward to your picture being posted on Blogger as much as I do your posts. I'm keeping this pic. :D

  2. Yup yup! Now I dont have a facebook Im back to this hehe.
    What music are you talking about? You mean the one that took me like 3 hours to figure out how to add it?! LOL x]
    Aha, I think it sounds pretty corny...
    I'll take better pictures hopefully... But probably not as much because I can't be like, "Hey Michelle" CLICKKK

  3. Wow, it took you that long?! The song is beautifully sad...
    You should. 'Cause all of the pics I get to see that you show me, I am going to keep.
    AW AHA! I know right?! But you can still take pics of other things! :D
