Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day two of the college life.

Not much to talk about just wanted to state the introduction that happened in digital photo class. So we were all introducing ourselves, before Mr Mueller got to me, he started to tell people to name the books we last read. Beat me to it dang... Well I introduced myself eventually and said I took photo at Ohlone and this is my second semester and how I had to withdraw from the class because of a job opportunity. I finished, and Mr. Mueller said, "A good photographer at that." Made me very ecstatic! :D Too overdosed with joy I forgot to say, "Thank you." What jerk I am.

And beginning of the day was a bad start my dad yelled at me because I was lagging behind and he didnt want to be late. So now im debating on dropping English so I don't have to deal with this shit anymore. Bleh...


  1. I see the time that you posted this...I thought you had photo class until 9:00.
    It's too bad that you're thinking about dropping Egnlish...D: At least you'll have your photo classes though!

  2. well it is still the first week. its just introductions and besides I have digital photo 2:30-4:30 then another at 5:30 to 9 or 10? depending on the day. Besides regardless I have a little time in between its not like im in one class to hours on hours straight. :P Silly moose.
    Yeah its just my dad is grumpy lumpy
