Thursday, January 13, 2011

Missing Childhood

So this morning, my mom asked if I wanted to drink hot coco. I said sure, and guess what I never got it, and now shes at work... QQ Oh well. I guess it is my fault, I distracted her and asked her to help me make pancakes. She just showed me where the vegetable oil was I did the rest. So yeah! I made like 4 pancakes! and two of them were burnt ._. Then my mom was like you can make two more, I'm like nooo I only have room for one left. My mom proved me wrong and made one big one instead.

While it was around 11 I was wondering huh... Why does it feel like its 2-3... Maybe because I cooked and did something productive. Well who knows. But finally its almost three. Don't get me wrong I dont want time to go by fast, its just my thought.
Seeing that it is almost 3:00PM I started to think about Jr high and High school freshman years. Where I walk home from school and watch Cartoons with some food and probably a soda knowing me. Oh how I miss those times! I don't even think they show cartoons at this time anymore...

1 comment:

  1. That's too bad you couldn't enjoy them with syrup! xD
    Next time, you should make Michkey Mouse pancakes! Aha.
