Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Nightmares and.. well nightmares.

Ok for the past two days I've been having nightmares and ruining my sleep... fckin demonic, white eyed little girls gotta leave me alone! ._.

So theres like nothing to eat in the house... I feel too awkward to go out and buy groceries... I feel like only old people do that AHA But I will eventually come around... Im actually gonna go buy some today because I cant stand not having anything to eat in the house...

There were so many other things I wanted to rant about, but I forget... Well once it comes back to me it'll be here, re-edited.


  1. Aha. Gotta stop watching that Super Natural...xP

    You seriously going grocery shopping? Next thing I know, you'll be cooking too! :D

  2. Lol I have, Its been two days... XD

    ...Shut it that will never happen. XD Gah, I think I'll be heading to walmart alone soon QQ
