Saturday, March 20, 2010

The start of an end...? Or the end of a start...?

March 20, 2010

I REALLY WANT TO TAKE THE TIME TO THANK ANYONE WHO READS MY POST. I REALLY APPRECIATE IT, I MEAN IT YOU GUYS! (Smiley face) So, I Woke up in the morning feeling like P Diddy (Sp?) Hah, yeah right ._. I don't even know how you can wake up and feel like him. I didn't know he was an emotion

Made the record of going to sleep at 3:00 ._. Still doing bad, at least not as worse by 30 minutes. As always, I start to think of the day went. I started to miss a certain someone already, so I decided to prepare a text for her in the morning. Knowing I will not be able to text her as much anymore, really makes me want her more :\ And these songs I'm listening to doesn't help! Argh...

I then woke up to her text in the morning asking about my AIM. I then sent her the prepared text I saved from last night. Afterwords it killed my word of only going to text her twice; not good.

So now I have to go online and internet stalk some more and find her information on what her AIM is, I'm pretty sure its mentioned someone. :) I'm just that good at doing research.

She has around 427 text messages that's been used with me. I have some sense in that, she may have used some on other people that does not have Verizon. So I am really concerned. I think I'm just going to go over my cousins house soon just to get his phone to text her. :)

Yup, got some plans for today. Maybe I should start preparing rather then sitting in front of my computer posting this hm?

On the other hand I have no idea what I will do after I get ready, lol. This is why I should plan these things out right now! D: I'm so in a rush because its 1:08 right now and I feel like I slept my morning away.. well which I did.

Understanding what I have done, I may learn from it... Nah I don't think so I've been doing this sense forever. I only wake up early when I'm forced to such as school. :\

Maybe I will post more later, This is the end of my story for now.

I am here right now posting at my cousin's house; hardly come here anymore. So lets get this started.

Commonly I would like to see Michelle more if possible; many times. But then again, I would hope I am not coming on too clingy for her... So today I didn't think much of it, and just decided to go to over her house.

Hell with this I cannot use a mac book! Im going to post more later when I get home...

Eventually I am home now and lets talk about the day, now where was I? Oh right, I drove over to her house. On the way there I was messing with the GPS not knowing which way to go because apparently I got on the freeway again. It was so scary.. I hate the freeways :\

Later, I arrive at her house and called her. Michelle then comes out from the garage impatiently it seemed. She then approaches me with wet hair black shirt and sweats. I hug her, as I really missed her, but also with suspicion. I was unaware if her parents were around, because I am really uncomfortable with showing affection around parents. Other then that I'm completely all about PDA. XD We stayed around her porch and just chilled. I brought up my gift for her, it was a hello kitty bracelet I ordered online. She said she really liked it and she gave me an affectionate hug. Which I really enjoyed; as I do with all her other hugs. She then later accidentally broke the bracelet I got her, I understand it was from China after all. Ugh. But its okay! Because I fixed it and delicately put it back onto her wrist :)

Luckily one of her sister likes me. I guess she had to take care of her sister's and I engaged in it too; too much. One of her sister I guess really hates me, and the other one, "Chloe"(SP) loves me :D She's so nice :) I was thinking about giving her my pez toy penguin. They're fun to play with, especially the one that loves me ;D

Even though staying around the porch was fine; we went to my car. We just listened to some more music, because she wanted to say what I labeled as crazy music. In all due honesty, I don't believe she enjoys it as I do. That's okay though, too much of it gets repeating with beats anyways.

! After we decided to go around her house. We ended up going to my Grandpa's grave; just for a visit. Not long after that we went to get Q-Cup. I ordered a Green Apple Icee w/ Lychee. She tried it and I would say she liked it, But I really don't know if its a lie or not. I'm not able to tell just yet. After that we went around the Lion Market; Asian super market area; Not much to talk about here. Just mommy and daddy browsing. Hahaha.

Departing from the Asian Market she was supposed to go to the park to meet up with her family. Now this, was the most confusing part of my day. Going through weird neighborhoods; gah waste of gas. It was okay though I suppose. As long as it wasn't totally far and then back.

Safely getting there, we searched for her family. They were right (more like left) near us, and I didn't even notice. I felt so embarrassed :\ So I greeted the parents, dad asked me a few questions. No biggie though. We then decided to walk around, eventually ended up sitting down instead. We sat, and just discussed about some situations and get to know each other better. Some personal conversations as well; until intruded on. It wasn't a big deal either, I enjoyed her cousin and sister's company. All we had were small talks and how much her cousin wanted Mc Donalds. When I had to depart from Michelle's grace, she seemed cold. I offered her to wear my favorite orchard colored jacket that my sister bought me. She refused at first, but I insisted and told her I will retrieve it eventually. It then slipped her mouth and said it was warm. Made me feel good that in some way I could keep her warm inside and outside. hehe.

After I departed nothing interesting after that. Apparently went about the same way home as last time, through the freeway. Ended up in auto mall, decided to get In and Out burgers :) Yum! Ate it at my cousin's house. She was hosting a party but it started at 10:00 and me and a few other people agreed there was no good looking people going. So we decided to leave early/not show up, haha. I dropped in! So you can't say I'm a bad cousin. :D I Just can't handle my cousin as much anymore, she just seems so into what shes doing and not treat others with respect. If she was to read this, she'll probably throw a fit. But really, if you're dedicated on this party, you would of done everything yourself and not get your little brother to help you as much. Maybe I don't know the situation, but you planned ahead a week inviting people, yet you still needed last second helps.

I decided to kidnap my cousin, Brian. He is right as of now sleeping, such a lazy. Lol. He sleeps so early... I should learn from him. Oh right, another package came in the mail (2 actually). One was my dad's order that he won on ebay, the other was my lens cap for my SLR cameras.

Summary : Overall my day was good, I enjoyed it a lot. Downside is the area in which I have to go to visit Michelle. I spent most of my day gladly with her. Stopped by my cousins house to say happy belated bday (she didn't even say it to me so much for respecting your elders even though I'm only 1 week older then her). Took her little brother (my cousin) to my house and hes sleeping over and I'm writing this. I'm also awaiting for Michelle's text messages. I am hoping I will be texting her all night until she falls asleep. I think I'm the one thats going to fall asleep first, I have a sense that I cannot wake up when I'm already half asleep. I hate it. I just want to use my cousin's phone to my advantage.

I hope everyone's day went well, if not there's always the rest of your life.

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