Thursday, March 25, 2010

Time goes by...

Short blog, I don't really feel like blogging much. Maybe because I'm watching Supernatural.

Started my day off getting up and going on E-bay. Lol ._. Bidded on something, saw if I won anything. I actually bought something too, for a special someone. She's probably reading this and getting mad about it now. WHOPS! Teehee.

Played a game of starcraft 2 and yup I still got it; still slow. Got ready to head off, and started walking to JFK. Walked all the way there, and when I got there I called Michelle up. She tells me, she is in room 500. We then later decided to meet up by her locker. Once we did, we started to head out to the gym. The badminton game was being held there against Mission. When we got there I noticed many familiar faces, as well as some awkwardness. We sat down and I presented her with my necklace. She was very happy and stated that it was necessary for me to provide her with any gifts. I responded with that it wasn't much. I am pretty sure she was happy and excited with it. I just wanted her to have some things from me to remember me by if anything was to happen to me.

We watched the game and I met her friend, "Jessica". She was pretty cool I guess we didn't really talk much. The game was pretty boring for some reason... I don't think I am just into badminton anymore. Maybe it can be that I am just not on the team anymore. Well who knows, I feel like playing again though.

Eventually we left around 4:30 from the game, because it was very uninteresting. I got my father to come pick Michelle and I up. We went to my house, and went into my room for a bit (a long bit LOL). After that we decided to narrow down where we were going to eat, In and Out or Hi Seoul. So we went to Hi Seoul to eat, and I didn't like their spicy pork. :\ Tasted like hairballs... After that we went to Tapioca for a drink. I made Michelle choose a drink, and she choose wisely; Tapioca Milk Tea. Yum, She liked it as well which made me glad. After this event, I had to take her home.

Drove her home and encountered part of her family outside playing tennis. She hugged me in the car goodbye, and it was awkward with the parents D: after that I just drove home, didn't stay because it was already getting late.

Once I got home.. Uh what did I do when I get home.. LOL I'm brain dead, ok this ends that. The end have a nice day LOL

Additional information I didn't want to put in chronological order.
-I talked to Michelle few hours ago on AIM for the first time, as well as Jessica.

Thank Qs for readings; Thank P's for posting.

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