Monday, March 22, 2010

What is that recall?!

Guess what?! I got my photo papers back! Whoohoo! Oh well before I get to that let me go on throughout in a chronological order.

*note* I will not as detailed. I am currently in Hyman Hall and too many people are socializing making it hard to concentrate.

Morning, FML I hardly slept last night... I was thinking who stole my photo papers, and why if it had my name on it. So I woke up not too long after as my phone started to vibrate. I set my phone on vibrate 3 times before it starts ringing to Late Night Alumni. I have a thing for my phone ringing in the morning so I try to find my phone before the 3rd vibrating. Usually I find it on the first or second vibration. Today, I hardly got it, but I did. Got it before it started to sing. 5minutes or 10minutes after I woke up I was debating if I should call Michelle. I then decided to call her, even though I was a tad intimidated of what I may say. We talked for a brief moment then I let her go to finish straightening her hair. I don't really like talking on the phone as much, neither does she. But it was taken into consideration that I wanted to start off her day good and with a smile.

So after I got up off bed started to change and then I started to feel sick. So I went to school a lil later, as I was supposed to be there quite early to finish my English homework. I arrived at Ohlone College around 7:30AM so I had a little hard time with parking. I didn't park as far but it was decent. I am really paranoid about my gas all of a sudden I wonder why... Hehe. I haven't even read the essay that was supposed to be read for the prompt today. So we had to write about what was the author's thesis and three supportive details. I quickly read through it and hopefully I didn't get a bad grade on it. I write like 10-12sentences which was the requirement. I felt a little bad about it though at the same time, because I should of read it a few days before. I threw away 2 papers because I didn't feel as if those were grammatically correct and I made a lot of errors. I just need a neat paper without any errors so I guess you can call those my rough draft, but again we were not supposed to have any.

After English, I shivered over to the bookstore to get some PB&J. Yet again in my disappointment they were sold out. They're pretty expensive ($1.25) but why are they so good?!

Made my way over to to photo lab depressed because I didn't want to think about my photo papers. But I had to go to it, got critiqued with my pictures. Apparently the teacher does not like my picture of my place. I don't know what his reason was but I liked it. :\ But he's the teacher! He liked my self portrait picture the most due to the contrast of the picture. He also stated the separation of the mirrors that I didn't really notice, until he brought it up. Many of the students like the light bulb picture I shot with my zoom lens. I probably should not of mentioned it because he said specifically use 55mm lens. I just cannot handle that, haha. Right before we started to critique I asked him if he see's any box of photo paper with the name "Will Gow" On it let me know. He's like as a matter of fact I actually have it in my office. I'm like womgwtfbbq REALLY?! :D I was so happy! I didn't need to buy another set of photo papers! This totally made my day! I'm so happy now!

We ended class early around 12:00 so now I'm so bored right now waiting for kennedy to get out so I can pick up Michelle. But its not all that bad because I'm here in Hyman Hall with Regina, the cool cat.

(Totally unrelated but there is an annoying ass girl next to me talking. She talks about how she doesn't remember of her day because she was so drunk... Seriously? Then why are you even still talking damn... Stfu! :D)

I will post more maybe later; after my day with the special someone. :)

Lets begin! I'm going to try putting it short, I have some homework I remembered to do.

Continuing from leaving Hyman Hall. Regina and I started to walk towards our cars. She tailgated me to my house. Went inside got my camera, and we headed over to Kennedy. Saw A LOT of familiar faces; glad to see them. The most that made an impact on me was Annie, she like jumped attacked, hugged me or something. Throughout this weird greeting I was worried of my camera and what Michelle may be thinking of this... Then after the weird delightful greeting we went off to my car. Michelle and I were thinking of what to do hmm... In that moment I complimented that it was cold today, and why she wasn't shorts. Hehe. We went to the New Park Mall afterwords; to walk around. We stopped by many stores, I would say I liked Forever 21 (jackets) the most and Sanrio. I was really debating to get her something from Sanrio, but so expensive! Yet again half the time I was thinking of my gas, lol. Some how its sad to say, but maybe my gift to her can just be all the times I come to see her. Even though that sounds kinda selfish. :\ Yeah, I just made myself sound like a jerk.

Anyways! after the mall I decided I was hungry. D: We were about to turn back and get seribol(SP?) but then I didn't wanna walk all the way back. We then decided to get In and Out. I drove all the way there and we ate outside in the nice windy weather haha. Fed some birds our fries because it would be cannibalism for them to eat a cow. I also fed some of my burger to Michelle, I'm glad she enjoyed it. I learned something new, that she cannot have cheese. Lets hope I remember that.

After the wonderful meal we started to head over to Michelle's house. Once we arrived there, we just went straight to her room. We chilled there for a good hmmm I don't know ~2 hours? She said she wanted to take some pictures, so I'm like okay. So we did take a few. I don't know how they came out because she told me not to look at them so I complied to her request. Her little sisters were playing with my itouch and they seemed to really enjoy it too.

It was time for me to depart so I was handed my jacket back awhile back. And now I lent her another of my jacket she requested. She said she liked that one better, I don't believe her. My purple was was the coolest 8) Hahaha. So I wore the one she gave me back till I got home. Then I noticed that it smelled like her; Michelle. What a lovely girl scent to have. Too bad it will eventually disappear :[

I came home received 3 packages in the mail. My dad seemed to be grumpy at me for ordering so much online. I will name them, but not so detailed. Hello Kitty thing, Badminton tape, and more photo paper :D

I should go to sleep I got to shoot some pictures tomorrow. Seeing how the day may turn out tomorrow, I may or may not blog about it. If I do, it may not be so discrete.

Thank Qs for reading, Thank P for posting ;D


  1. LOL SO DETAILED WILL! :) And you always make my morning when you call me. Though if it is an inconvenience, you don't have to. I will know. :D
    LOl. I didn't think of it as anything when that happened. You guys haven't seen each other in a long while so it's good. Cheese? Haha. I am ok with it. Just not too much.
    Ahahaha. The jacket smelled like me? Yours does too. But I love wearing it because it reminds me of you. :)

  2. Lol even with the details, I reread it and I have hella grammatical errors. Thats what I get for not focusing.
    Oh, do I? I just called you awhile ago saying tomorrow morning I won't call. I guess I have to now, lol. But I kinda don't want to either so it'll be more of a cliffhanger till after school.
    Yup, but my teacher ninja-ed it D: So he found it not me, in some sense lol.
    I think it was awkwarrrddd lol.
    I eat a lot of cheese... lol. I think everything I eat has like cheese in it.
    I love wearing my jacket with your scent! 8)
