Tuesday, March 23, 2010

How guilty...

March 23, 2010

Stupid alarm woke me up at 6AM this morning. I don't even know why I.. oh wait right. So I set my alarm on for 6AM so I can call up Michelle. I think I told her that I am going to go see her today, I Don't know if she got the message. I think I will call her back again at her lunch break.
So I set my alarm for another hour to wake up, because I had an appointment to attend to. My appointment was with the counsler was at 11:00AM. I couldn't and had a hard time waking up but thankfully Jessica was constantly texting me. So my phone constistantly vibrated after every minute. This got me into the habit of waking up.

When I was ready to get up. I got ready to go to Ohlone, Yeah! (no not really). I still feel guilty and worry about my gas for my car. Oh right, I need to take a roll of pictures to develop tomorrow ugh...

(so I got this guy infront of me, I think name Bo? talking about some game, and I'm hella curious what game he is talking about. Also how can he have time for games and school god damn this asian is totally smart.)

Anyways I talked to the counsler she helped me out with some stuff and yeah talked to me. I felt really comfortable talking to her. I'm wondering if I need to talk to any other coulsers soon or what not. I like to stick with one and familiarize myself with them. (that reminds me I have to go drop my class right now. Actually I'm going to do that right now and put my post on hold.)

Now thats over with I checked my email and what not. I just received a mail from the person who I ordered my badminton grip tape from. He was like, "The picture is there what made you think it was 3 packs?" When I get home I'm going to reply and be like "Well your fuckin title said it was 3 pack duh stupid ass!" (well without the rudeness of course.)

So I went to the car to chill because I can blast my music all I want. Then it got so hot so I decided someone could use my parking spot and have better use then I do. So I parked somewhere far away with the shade it was a bit cooler then a wasp almost came in my window. I rolled it up and it got burning hot again ._." I decided to go to 7/11 and get something to drink, maybe it'll cool me down. I started to drink it and I got a stomachache when I reached my destination.

I got to the gas station near JFK and put $20.00 worth of gas in my car. I got half of my tank filled which I was pretty happy with :D After that I drove infront of Kennedy with all the houses and parked infront of some person's house. I was waiting for Michelle to finish class, but I got her text saying that she might not be around after school. I got kinda upset, I mean I wanted today to be with me and her. So I texted her back and told her to call me and let me know what was going on. She did, she told me she had a headache and I offered to give her a ride home sooner then later if she wanted. She confirmed with her mother and so it was that.

On the way home I gave her my bracelet I made. I kinda liked it to a point where I wanted to keep it, but then that does not justify why I wanted to make it in the first place. I believe Michelle loved it, and was about to hug me. I was driving so she receded it I guess. Which was good, it would of been problematic if she did proceed.

I got her home asap; not speeding. Reached the front of her house and her mom was in the car. She discussed something with her mom, and I went back to my car to get my digi-cam(I just went to my car and got it too lol). After that we went up and into her room just took some pictures I will have to await consent from Michelle to post them. After that we were just on her bed holding each other for awhile. When her mom came home with her sisters, they also brought back some food. As shy as Michelle is eating in-front of people, She tried hard to eat in-front of me. Which was good, but she still had trouble.

While we were eating, her little sisters totally wanted to play with the itouch. Next time I don't think I'm going to be bringing it, lol. As mean as it sounds, I think I rather have functioning one then none at all. Now they're both mean to me ._. I think its because I don't let them play with my iTouch. Ugh Idk anymore I tried to be nice, I think I should just ignore them now. But taht's too mean! I took lots of pictures of them, I don't even know what I'll do with them lmao.

After that we went inside, I let the little ones play with the itouch for 4 minutes and went on to 6 instead. Then after, Michelle kicked them out. I don't think I would be able to handle them either for too long, now that they hate me D: We were on the bed some more, just held each other and chatted. We talked about many things, few that I cannot remember. The highlights were of the situation we are in, and the consents we are needed of. I already got Jon's consent if it was okay, and he said yes. Now we are awaiting the other. I also talked about my past, she talked about hers. Since she didn't have a long high school past, I made her talk about her and guys. Which I ended up talking about me and girls too.

The end of the day was triple X rated! :0 LOL jk jk not really. But yeah, it was just too hard to part. She walked me to my car and I let her borrow my jacket once more.

Ok this had to have its own space. So I found two things that were hella ironic. Michelle and I love the same soda, and hate the same soda. The other thing that I would like to point out is that, I started the day posting this blog around 11AM~ with the title "guilty". And now, when I was leaving, her mom told Michelle to give me a $20 for gas ._. So more of me to feel guilty for! Great! Now I feel like asking her mom, "Where does those two other girls go?" "So I can pick the up."

Thats about it, I have to shower and eat. Ugh first thing I did was blog and go on facebook, what is the world coming to putting these as highest priority.


  1. LOLOL! Dirty mouth...jkjkjk. :D
    The bracelet was so beautiful! Haha. Problematic as in you would get into an accident?
    Meh. I don't know why I can't eat in front of people. :P
    I know! My sisrters are so damn annoying sometimes. x/
    I had so much fun yesterday! I didn't even notice my headache. It eventually faded.
    X rated? Hahahahahahahahahahahahah! I had to admit is was hard to part though. xD

  2. Lol, My mouth is pretty clean I brushed it! 8)
    Hehehe, I made it super colorful! :D If you didn't like it I know this other guy that would... I'm just saying... Lol. jk jk :)
    Yeah, and I wouldn't want you getting hurt. So even if I have to push you away for a momentary thing, its better then loosing it for a lifetime.
    Just eat infront of people practice! Hahaha :D
    Only sometimes, I like them when they're nice.
    I didn't do anything I just made you rest is all, and you took medicine. If anything it was the medicine.
    Shhh! hahah, its always hard. :P
