Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Karma will come, or it just tested me...

Ugh I hate waking up early! SWfjhsdklghaskdgh D: I'm going to try and to put my blog short. Woke up in the morning called Michelle to let her know if I was going to come by or not. I told her I wasn't able to. :\ How sad I know. Gah.

Got ready it was around 7:15AM And my ride; Assile. Was not picking up his phone nor was he near. I was in panic. I thought he forgot and started to head over to ohlone without me ._. Luckly he didn't, he later then came. I asked what took you so long and what not. He told me that he was watching the news for the health care thing. Wow man such a news guy. He's more intense then I am with the news lol.


Ugh nevermind it. I would of totally kicked anyone's ass in Super Smash Brothers Brawl. :3 Too bad I don't know where the stupid game truck is. Gah How can you operate a truck with games, lol. Pretty interesting. I would kick anyone's ass on any game I probably played. If not then I finally get competition.

Okay so I go to English class, it was decent. She was giving back our lab reports, or quizes. I got like 7/15 god, I hate these tricky ass test. After she discussed what we will be working on next. So I am going to need to start thinking how I am going to do this. This is going to be an paragraph about informing or "how to". I decided what I'm going to do; SLR camera. I will be writing about how to use a manual SLR camera :D She let us out one hour early.

I got so bored for an hour ugh. So I was walking about, wondering away. I went back and forth to my photo class to see if anyone was there, sadly no. Neither was the teacher so I was really bored. Then 30minutes I checked up again and I gave up and I sat down and went on my iTouch. Professor then arrived and asked if I wanted to get a head start, I'm like hell yea! :D So I was the first to start processing ;D until we got interrupted with a guest. So our class was "chosen" to do some sorta stupid survey ._. that killed like 30minutes of my time. So lame! All these questions really asked about was drug and alcohol use. And some depression and health issues. I marked almost like "No" Or "never". Then I went to finish procesing my film roll. After I threw it in the drier I went to print some pictures. I printed 2-3, then I ran back into the room to get my negatives, and started working on those. Made a contact sheet and few prints. After that it was time to clean up, but due to the survey we had extra time. I spent that extra hour printing only 1 picture it was so frustraiting. I was printing a picture of Michelle's little sister. Her white shirt I guess was blending in with the background so I couldn't make it as dark. I made like 4 prints but only 1 came out good, BUT its not good enough. I'm not happy with it. I think i'll give the other 3 prints to Michelle's mom or something. My classmates were drying the prints. They made a remark, "Oh my god this girl is going to be in my nightmares so many pictures of her!" And there was only like 12prints and four of them are of her. I found that pretty funny haha.

Even though I didn't see that special someone today, I will always find another way to see her. Today, I saw her through my work and prints.

I also bumped into my childhood friend. I know him from, my dad. It's my dad's friend's son. And I haven't seen him in years! He totally looks different. Usually I would be too shy to talk to him, but now its like whoa! Hahaha. Times just get to us sometimes... *sigh*

So right now I am posting this because when I get home I will either be texting or working on my English homework. I probably won't be posting/editing this. I also got like 5 asian guys around me playing "DOTA" hahaha... I don't get this game ._. Well take care and what not. Have a nice day and all!

You get caught up in dress codes, and I'll shop at walmart.

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