Friday, March 19, 2010

The lost of the photo papers.

March 19 2010

I almost wrote 2009 ._. Just not used to it not having two 0's after the two. I went to sleep around 3:30 last night unable to sleep with my bad sleeping habits. My alarm woke me up this morning around 6, because I set it to do so duh. I was going to text someone around this time, but I was just way too sleepy. In the sense of me going to text her, she texts me 30~minutes later. I was glad she did, and I woke up to her text and also my mom was awake too. So here I was early birdy, getting ready to go to photo class and print pictures. Positive can do attitude!

Lazily, I started to research how to dry fiber-based photo paper on google. One site I found in particular said to get some photo tape, which I never heard of. So I did some searches on that as well. Overall, I started to get built up on purchasing this tape at Michales (I hate spelling that name). I arrive around 8:45 and they tell me they don't open until 9:00. What the fuck, seriously? It's just 15minutes left, are you really going to tell me that... Well they did, they lost themselves a customer for the day. This is why your business sucks.

I was a tad bit early, went to the library and turned in my book. Soon after I went to one of the open computers to finish my assignment for photo that will be due Sunday midnight. Eventually I finished that assignment; too fast. I was hungry and I went to the bookstore to get some PB&J. Sadly enough to find there were no more left. ._. Made my day a little worse.

Killing some the time before photo class, getting hyped up and some of my classmates were there as well. I signed into class, went straight for my prints. I found them, Yay! But I couldn't find a my negatives, so I was very disappointed. Who would want to take my negatives?! Are they that good? Then later I found out my photo papers are missing from my drawer. There are about 80~ unused sheets. That's like losing a good fucking $50.00. Shit, seriously fuckin' don't be pulling this stealing crap. I'm so frustrated with some of those bad apples in life that continue to grow, and not get thrown down the grave. I'm sorry but its true. I decided to go home...

Eventually, I arrive at home and told my dad about it. Like always he doesn't show any fucking sympathy. Some father he is, he just throws my guilt and shit at me. As he was telling me how irresponsible I was, I started to walk into my room and slam my door. To make it even worse, he comes in my room asking if I lost his dad's camera too ._. what the fuck... I just wanna get out right now...

You would think I was harsh... I got out of the house away from my dad. >.> Went out with my sister to eat pho. It was pretty good besides that I don't think I finished some of it. :\ Went to Miachels to buy photo tape but instead came out with a picture frame. Time to frame a good picture! :D Or give it to someone as a present :)

I am just hoping that the rest of the day goes well... Especially with hanging out with Michelle later today after her school ends.

Outside was so burning hot! As I arrive at my old high school; John F Kennedy. I started to wait and text Michelle of meeting her up. While awaiting her reply in the blazing heat, my pants started to feel hot and I started to break a sweat. I was not even doing anything! Oh man, weathers getting to me all of a sudden. Got to see my buddy Regina, that crazy girl still the same, hope to see her again soon. I also noticed there was many little kids driving all of a sudden. Makes me a little paranoid on how teenagers these days. And the DMV that are oblivious to amount of teenagers driving, especially kennedy's.

Under the heat, I started walking to the library. I then encounter Ryan Ramos a senior now. I decided to wave and give him a greeting. Without me wearing my glasses, I noticed a girl walking to the way Ryan was ejecting from. I, myself would of obviously not notice who she was, until I got closer. I was pretty sure it was Michelle, and to my surprise it was her. I didn't even have to meet up with her infront/in the library after all. She doesn't seem like the same girl I noticed back when I was a senior. Maybe it was just because she was always with her little friend. Maybe it seemed like she had better people to talk to back then, rather then me. So I guess that's why I probably never approached her; let alone being shy (okay, whoa, going on about this too much).

Michelle and I started to walk and eventually we got to my car. After being loaded into the car, we started to burn up. :( Not that funnest thing, especially me being paranoid of how this may impact how she sees me. We had to wait till my GPS loaded up, after that I inserted her house as the destination. It was fun talking to her in the car, too bad my eyes had to be focused on the road. During stop lights, I would look over to see how she was doing. I worry she would be bored, or too hot. I wouldn't want that; neither would I want her to notice me glancing at her every time I could in the car. Blue top, blue jeans shorts, and her shoes with pink laces. How could one not admire grace.

I drove to her rich community of houses, I felt relieved we were almost there. Duly noted that her mom was not home. We sat in my car just listening to music and talking; I enjoyed every moment of it. Just having her in my presence was exhilarating; every moment of being ecstatic. Time eventually flew by so fast that neither Michelle nor I noticed her mom pulling into the drive way. When I did, I told her and she left the car to check in with her mom. Just when I was playing a song we both enjoy; Owl City - Saltwater Room.

Casually, we got into her house. I had to meet some of the family members; how nerve racking... Took off our shoes and headed upstairs, next meeting her sister. Getting that over with (phew) we headed to her room to just chill. We talked, I went through her algebra 2 book; ugh I hate it. After that, we just sat around the computer. I was showing her many of my favorites on youtube along with a few of my very own videos. Her mom later calls asking what we would like to eat...? She bought stuff from Sogo's Bakery. I guess I was a little hungry, I forgot to drink the drink that was offered though! Dang it! Oh well. I hope they didn't take it offensive nor throw it away wastefully.

Horrifically as this may sound the best part was leaving. It was also the worst part. Hmm which to start with the negative or the positive. I guess negative because that's how the number line goes. Well it was the worst part because I was leaving, obviously right? And of course I wish I could of stayed there for longer, with Michelle. It was the best part because I got to hug her for quite some time. I enjoyed her extended hug time. I felt as if I never wanted to let go, as a kid departing with their favorite toy. Well, I'm pretty sure she will be reading this soon.

Even with so many similarities, I can't seem to express the limit we have in common. I can't tell neither if its a good thing or a bad thing... Or is there more.

Luckily this post is ending by saying, my day was "okay".

Losing the photo paper and my negative sheets were the worst part. Which leads up to my dad lecturing which making my day worse.

Exciting day, I drove back on the freeway... Shhh. I kinda enjoyed it because there was some traffic. Which signals that I do not have to be speedy drove around 40-50mph.

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