Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Today is not very looked into.

A quick thought I just had. If I ever get married, I think I would be late to the whole ceremony. I would be more interested in the photographer and his camera equipment than my wife.... Would that be acceptable?

Naked Science: What's Sexy? from National Geographic. Watched 15min of it. Fuck love and partners and what not. This shit is complex, I'm not gonna study girls. I'm just gonna mate with a penguin or something (no not really that would be disgusting).

I'm really starting to get sick of people I know. Sometimes I wonder why I bothered to know them in the first place. As time progresses I feel as that the way I'm being treated is, bluntly used. I'm giving up my own time to assist people that probably don't even care for me. Maybe this is why I have such a harsh view on people and being friends. Honestly, I ask for a fair exchange to borrow a camera lens for a week (35mm prime) and I don't get a reply. Are you unbelievable, maybe I should not be replying when you ask for help. I've known you for quite sometime now, and you do not live far from me so whenever you want it back its most likely possible. So even this new girl I met, god I wish I remembered her name. Brenda? Maybe? Even she said I could borrow hers. A week from now our digital project is due. Subject being obsession, connection, and inspirations. At least of 20 pictures, yet I have none. This just shows how much I myself is being inspired.. hah. :\

I have adobe photoshop in one hour (5:30) and im not looking forward to it. Some reason that class is just unbelievably boring. Yes, I want to learn adobe photoshop but I think it's just no fun if it doesn't feel enthusiastic.

Bidding on somestuff on ebay :D So I think I will conclude this post, unless something exciting happens in adobe PS class. Which is highly doubtful.

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