Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ticking my ticker

I'm kinda mad at the fact that famous/popular music is garbage. What talent is that crap, just going to make kids raised to be rebellious. Well whatever, I guess that's why they make good music rare and shit music on air.

I went to open lab today for my black and white photography class. I was processing film, along with another person. I managed to finish mine before he did, damn im pro (; No not really, but then another person came in and needed help. She asked me instead of the other guy. So i'm way more pro then he is (again not really this time he wasn't there). Making my way back to the printing room, I saw Ann. I call her my second mommy(I should tell her more like a grandma haha but that would be rude). She gave me $94.00 for buying her photography materials. Finally got paid back after like 2-3weeks. And now Teresa owes me $54(I think).
Anywhoo I got to use my pearl paper :] Its so sexy! At first I didn't know which side to print on, because it was hard to differentiate the glossy side. Open lab today was a good day (:

Still waiting on my satin paper. So far I used every photo paper possible but satin. Well I semi used fiber-based. I just don't want to wait hella long for it to dry... Fiber has good texture, if it wasn't for the dry time and cost I may like it. Many professional printers(no im not talking about computer printers)do use/prefer fiber though. My favorite as of now is pearl, like everyone else in class. Well... that's not much of diversity...
Cost ranking:
[Expensive] Fiber - Pearl - Glossy - Satin [Cheap]
I'm unsure of the glossy and satin though. Think they are roughly the same price.

Coming home hungry, I went to jack in the box near my old high school. I was unaware of the time, but a few students were there. What is this, I see some ghetto ass kids coming in with a DSLR. I felt sorry for the camera for a brief moment, but then it wasn't any high end camera. Seriously, just get a point and shoot for convenience. Now I think about it, I should of gone up to them and started asking questions simple to complex. "Oh how many megapixels does your camera have?" "What's the burst rate?" "What lens is that, kit?" "How wide is your aperture?"

So I'm doing homework kindaishly. But theres so much and I dont feel like doing it...
Thats not alot actually... Well photoshop I have to merge three pictures together... gah!

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