Saturday, February 12, 2011

Disturbing awakening.

"So I bought these from Europe mom. They were 10.29 EUR"
"How much is that in US dollars?"
"Around $15. Do you even know where Europe is?"
LOLOLOL I love my mommy.

Around 11 I got Char and Alec calling me -_-
I ignored it all 4 times they called. Thankfully my battery died so no more ringing. Soon later while on the phone my mom opened my door and threw some packages on me. Little did she know one package was bicycle parts. It hit me knee and I was screaming in pain and my mom just closed the door -_- I opened up one of the package that said photo pro shop or something. I was laying down while doing this and it fell on my face. GOSH all my packages are like hurting me in some way or another. I GOT MY NIKON LANYARDS! Now, I don't have a matching lanyard with Charlyn.

We went out to eat at Chillis then we hung out at the park for awhile. They were blasting music in the car with the bass up or some shit fuck like I know. It was kind of annoying -_- I think its just so high school-E to do that kinda stuff. I only do it in certain circumstances; when I'm angry, frustrated, or I purchased a new album(which is rare).

Anywhoo I suppose getting my nikon lanyard was pretty exciting stuff. I got an extra one as well so if anyone is interested in buying one I'm willing to sell it for $10. I've also changed my camera straps. Nikon strap on a Canon, and Canon strap with Nikon.

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