Thursday, February 3, 2011

Am I really the inconsiderate one?

Please tell me why my sister is being such a bitch.

I ask her one day, just to be at her apartments knowing she is always at her girlfriend's house. And she goes and posts a status on facebook not thinking I can see it or something. "Doreen Gow I can not deal with my brother's inconsiderate.. childish ass! Ughh grow up!" Just one day... You can't deal with me for just one day and you're calling me inconsiderate and childish? Maybe I will just prove you right and just go on and come over without your knowledge one day along with the parents. Maybe we'll even sleep over and await for you to come home! I don't know why you would say such things, I should of just grew up just tattling on you throughout being raised. That way I wouldn't have to worry about times like these. Where I can just come by and see your not home, and just tell the parents. I'm going through a temporary phase of not caring what I say to the parents right now. And thanks for telling me to do whatever I want, because I think I will just do that. If questioned, I can always just show you the text you said. How are you going to argue with yourself...

I'm so angry and frustrated right now... I feel like doing my homework but, I don't think much would be accomplished. I hear exercise helps stress. Bleh I don't know what to do to be honest.. :\

On a side note, I'm wondering if its badluck to put money away (such as the bank) when you just got it/Lunar new years...

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