Monday, February 28, 2011

Wow what an interesting day!

This morning I woke up around 3:00AM To think that wasn't enough time to prepare, oh how surprised you will be. So I woke up today around 3AM to get ready for school. I was thinking since the gas price was so much I was going to stay at school the whole day today, until 10pm (which I am doing)

SO RIGHT NOW IM IN HYMANHALL! I saw my leader JOSH!(I dont know why I said Daniel) from my work! Haha I love this guy! He's so nice! And I hear he quit his job to go back to school interestedly. Catching up with him was great! Apparently he quit his job and so did many other people. Oh how funny! There are only a rare amount of people left. The ironic part was one of the person who was fired is now the leader?! Oh how hilarious is that. I will be seeing him again on Wednesday same time. (: I look forward to this, I feel gay for him... >.> awkward.... LOL

Ok thats that. I wanna go play some league of legends before my professor comes in. Damn it ._. Im an addict fml.
GAH I JUST JINXED MY GOOD DAY! I cant even play L.O.L Gah QQ! And I got a 80/100 on my English this morning I thought I would add all my bad news here. Alright so I will just be here for 9 more hours... not much.. I hope. I dont need sleep, slept for 14 hours... its all good...I hope my cookies in my car doesn't melt... That would be a waste of girl scout thin mints. :\ I can imagine some crazed fanatic looking through my window and going "SOMEONE SAVE THOSE!" then breaking into my car ._. how obsessed would that be Hah! Lets not jinx this as well ._.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ticking my ticker

I'm kinda mad at the fact that famous/popular music is garbage. What talent is that crap, just going to make kids raised to be rebellious. Well whatever, I guess that's why they make good music rare and shit music on air.

I went to open lab today for my black and white photography class. I was processing film, along with another person. I managed to finish mine before he did, damn im pro (; No not really, but then another person came in and needed help. She asked me instead of the other guy. So i'm way more pro then he is (again not really this time he wasn't there). Making my way back to the printing room, I saw Ann. I call her my second mommy(I should tell her more like a grandma haha but that would be rude). She gave me $94.00 for buying her photography materials. Finally got paid back after like 2-3weeks. And now Teresa owes me $54(I think).
Anywhoo I got to use my pearl paper :] Its so sexy! At first I didn't know which side to print on, because it was hard to differentiate the glossy side. Open lab today was a good day (:

Still waiting on my satin paper. So far I used every photo paper possible but satin. Well I semi used fiber-based. I just don't want to wait hella long for it to dry... Fiber has good texture, if it wasn't for the dry time and cost I may like it. Many professional printers(no im not talking about computer printers)do use/prefer fiber though. My favorite as of now is pearl, like everyone else in class. Well... that's not much of diversity...
Cost ranking:
[Expensive] Fiber - Pearl - Glossy - Satin [Cheap]
I'm unsure of the glossy and satin though. Think they are roughly the same price.

Coming home hungry, I went to jack in the box near my old high school. I was unaware of the time, but a few students were there. What is this, I see some ghetto ass kids coming in with a DSLR. I felt sorry for the camera for a brief moment, but then it wasn't any high end camera. Seriously, just get a point and shoot for convenience. Now I think about it, I should of gone up to them and started asking questions simple to complex. "Oh how many megapixels does your camera have?" "What's the burst rate?" "What lens is that, kit?" "How wide is your aperture?"

So I'm doing homework kindaishly. But theres so much and I dont feel like doing it...
Thats not alot actually... Well photoshop I have to merge three pictures together... gah!

Friday, February 25, 2011

New Email!

Okay so I made a new email while waiting for photo class to start. This is what I will mainly use in time so please add it. I made a new one because xm3s0sleepyx just doesn't look professional according to some people(sadly I agree). It's going to take me awhile to adjust to the email. As of now many important things are linked to my old one. I will try to find a way to convert it to my new one. Such things as classes would have to wait of course. And of course we all have our junk email account. gmail is mine, and my old email may be my new one as well.

I'm not even sure if there is open lab today... I really hope so. I wanna process my film :\ I miss the bad(not really) chemical smell!
Nothing really new in my life. Thanks for tuning in.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Oh man so much things due and done today!

-Write up final draft of important event effecting my life
-Sold Nikon Lanyard at Frys. $20
-Late English quiz.
-Watching 2 hours of lightroom videos
-Take Photoshop shortcut test


Organized my room because I couldn't sleep. I found some of my high school black and white photos! I maybe dislike to say this, but I found pictures of my ex, Dorothy. Too bad she has most of my black and white stuff from high school.

Ugh I think I inhaled too much dust. My nose is breaking :\

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Oh happy days!

So I'm going to be selling my Nikon lanyard to some guy name Mike at Frys. He wants to buy both of them so thats fine. Selling both of it for $20.
Im glad my professor, Paul Mueller kept all my pictures and returned them to me on Monday! Oh it was so cool getting it all back!
I feel like returning this English connect writing code I bought for like $15 I dont think I am even gonna use it and just wing all the test. I hate these noun subject verb adjective and whatever else those shit are. They taught us this constantly why don't they stop already?!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cheating myself.

Ok so not much to say today. But just something I thought I'd just like to state. So in the past I bought this English book off craigslist. It's used but I needed it for my class. So as of now I need to do this assignment, but in the book its already done by the previous owner. I think I'm just gonna copy it, I'm too lazy to do it right now. But I know in the back of my mind I'm just cheating myself... Gah I hate this feeling of guilt. I know I should do it because this is the area where it effects me the most on where I have troubles. Or maybe I should eventually take the placement test again and be placed into a higher rank/area where they don't review this.

I really need to know what to shoot pictures of under the category of "obsession connection and inspirations".

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Disturbing awakening.

"So I bought these from Europe mom. They were 10.29 EUR"
"How much is that in US dollars?"
"Around $15. Do you even know where Europe is?"
LOLOLOL I love my mommy.

Around 11 I got Char and Alec calling me -_-
I ignored it all 4 times they called. Thankfully my battery died so no more ringing. Soon later while on the phone my mom opened my door and threw some packages on me. Little did she know one package was bicycle parts. It hit me knee and I was screaming in pain and my mom just closed the door -_- I opened up one of the package that said photo pro shop or something. I was laying down while doing this and it fell on my face. GOSH all my packages are like hurting me in some way or another. I GOT MY NIKON LANYARDS! Now, I don't have a matching lanyard with Charlyn.

We went out to eat at Chillis then we hung out at the park for awhile. They were blasting music in the car with the bass up or some shit fuck like I know. It was kind of annoying -_- I think its just so high school-E to do that kinda stuff. I only do it in certain circumstances; when I'm angry, frustrated, or I purchased a new album(which is rare).

Anywhoo I suppose getting my nikon lanyard was pretty exciting stuff. I got an extra one as well so if anyone is interested in buying one I'm willing to sell it for $10. I've also changed my camera straps. Nikon strap on a Canon, and Canon strap with Nikon.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Today is not very looked into.

A quick thought I just had. If I ever get married, I think I would be late to the whole ceremony. I would be more interested in the photographer and his camera equipment than my wife.... Would that be acceptable?

Naked Science: What's Sexy? from National Geographic. Watched 15min of it. Fuck love and partners and what not. This shit is complex, I'm not gonna study girls. I'm just gonna mate with a penguin or something (no not really that would be disgusting).

I'm really starting to get sick of people I know. Sometimes I wonder why I bothered to know them in the first place. As time progresses I feel as that the way I'm being treated is, bluntly used. I'm giving up my own time to assist people that probably don't even care for me. Maybe this is why I have such a harsh view on people and being friends. Honestly, I ask for a fair exchange to borrow a camera lens for a week (35mm prime) and I don't get a reply. Are you unbelievable, maybe I should not be replying when you ask for help. I've known you for quite sometime now, and you do not live far from me so whenever you want it back its most likely possible. So even this new girl I met, god I wish I remembered her name. Brenda? Maybe? Even she said I could borrow hers. A week from now our digital project is due. Subject being obsession, connection, and inspirations. At least of 20 pictures, yet I have none. This just shows how much I myself is being inspired.. hah. :\

I have adobe photoshop in one hour (5:30) and im not looking forward to it. Some reason that class is just unbelievably boring. Yes, I want to learn adobe photoshop but I think it's just no fun if it doesn't feel enthusiastic.

Bidding on somestuff on ebay :D So I think I will conclude this post, unless something exciting happens in adobe PS class. Which is highly doubtful.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

This is why.

I bet that you think I’m lonely.
You may be right, I just might.
And if you want me to break down,
it would be a sight, but not tonight

Boggling day.

Yay I just bought the new album of LNA ! :] $9.99 I think this is the only album I have ever bought in my life, and I don't even have it in a disk... LOL How ironic. Kids soon won't even realize what a cassette is ._.

Only got like an irritating two or three hours of sleep. There was so much heat under my sheets I couldn't sleep. For all those who are thinking why, you nasty...

Oh my god, this new song sounds pretty sexy, sorry just had to interrupt my blog thoughts just for this.

While I was in English class I was trying to keep up with my texts and emails. I felt like such a business man/drug dealer. Here and there, melancholy texts would appear before me. After English class, got home asap to get my sister's iTouch. Once it was in my possession I went to Fremont Hub to sell it, infront of Hawaiian BBQ. The women from Oakland came down (so far... in my thoughts) just to get it. I sold it, and deducting the amount from that from my sister's tab that she owes me. Now she only owes me around $90. Went home soon after the transaction.

Came back home, went to sleep for an hour and thirty minutes. Soon after, I got into the shower and off I went to school.

As I was driving to school I noticed some pictures that would of been nice shots to take. However, I cannot be late for class or just stop my car and bust out my camera. One shot would of been of a old lady siting on her walker looking towards the suns rays. I thought it could of been a spectacular shot of unawareness of what she is actually looking at/for. The other shot was of a black man counting money around a suspicious area. Honestly, here I almost started to tear up, because of how the community effected me of how I see society these days. I didn't understand why the first thing that occurred to me was, "Oh, probably dealing drugs." I need to ameliorate my mind, so such as these aren't so anticipated. Don't get me wrong I believe this would of been a good picture as well.
My reasoning : Well I just said one (the way it effected me). And it can possibly tells a story.

Well not much to say about digital photography. We did get to our "Five Favorite Things" I talked a little about my pictures, I hope I did well. I went back to my car after digital photo class, to get my black and white materials. When I got to my car, I noticed I didn't have printing photo paper.
Here I started to decide, "Should I go home and get some, or borrow a friends. I am only processing a film anyways. Probably not much time to print pictures." So did I stay or did I go back home? I went back home. Why? Because I didn't want to go to class with all that photo gear in my car. One way to be safe, two stone one bird(or something like that).

I am really getting sleepy right now... I know if I say I'll do the rest tomorrow I wont...

SO LETS CONTINUE! Got back to Ohlone with my photo paper! For the first time I parked in the staff area, which is okay for students after 5PM. I saw one of my favorite photo friend, Teresa! I honked my car horn, and startled her. I waved at her, then two guys thought I was waving at them, so they waved back. Don't you just hate that when you're the one feeling retarded, I feel for them. It happened to me quite some time, so now I just don't react. After photo class, I realized, I only used only one photo paper... WASTE OF MY GAS GAH!

I'm broke. I spent like another $200 today. On what?
-Personal needs wants
-Other people's requests

Another random thing to add, my hands smell like photo chemicals. Someone smell it, I don't know if its developer, stop, or fix. Whatever it is, I like it. But its probably bad for me... hah oh well.

Finally, below will be the next lens I may be getting from my own money. I will purchase this when I have enough...
If you want to know the price, I have provided a link here.

If you guys actually read all this, I'm giving you an E-HUG right now. You feeling it?! If you actually are... you probably should be getting yourself checked and not reading about me. I worry for you.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Thank you, cousin Eileen! Thanks to you this is my new favorite artist/band. Ugh two more days until their new album releases. Can't wait to purchase it!

It's really hot right now. I'm dying in this heat! Maybe because I was having too much adrenaline rushing through me while engaging in league games in Starcraft 2.

Oh snicker doodle... I have yet to finish my English homework ._. Talk about procrastinating to the max. All I need to do is to underline the topic sentences, because I typed out prodigious paragraph after paragraph. I also haven't proceeded my digital photo project. QQ

I find it ironic where the last place that left you infuriated, is now a part of your contentment. How long until it wears off...

Time flew today, I should of shot its wings or something(Get it because "shot" can be used as a photography term too? ha ha ha... never mind).

Friday, February 4, 2011


"What are your likes and dislikes."
"Idk I don't go on facebook"

Nightmares are stupid


Oh I played badminton today, I swear there was a group of girl at least one kept glancing at me... Also saw a coworker there, ew fattie... IN ADDITION also saw some high school friends :D
My game against Kate was so crazy.. she kept hitting me :[ She almost broke my leg so never play with her... Shes too good :\

the end my hand is sore dont wanna type

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Am I really the inconsiderate one?

Please tell me why my sister is being such a bitch.

I ask her one day, just to be at her apartments knowing she is always at her girlfriend's house. And she goes and posts a status on facebook not thinking I can see it or something. "Doreen Gow I can not deal with my brother's inconsiderate.. childish ass! Ughh grow up!" Just one day... You can't deal with me for just one day and you're calling me inconsiderate and childish? Maybe I will just prove you right and just go on and come over without your knowledge one day along with the parents. Maybe we'll even sleep over and await for you to come home! I don't know why you would say such things, I should of just grew up just tattling on you throughout being raised. That way I wouldn't have to worry about times like these. Where I can just come by and see your not home, and just tell the parents. I'm going through a temporary phase of not caring what I say to the parents right now. And thanks for telling me to do whatever I want, because I think I will just do that. If questioned, I can always just show you the text you said. How are you going to argue with yourself...

I'm so angry and frustrated right now... I feel like doing my homework but, I don't think much would be accomplished. I hear exercise helps stress. Bleh I don't know what to do to be honest.. :\

On a side note, I'm wondering if its badluck to put money away (such as the bank) when you just got it/Lunar new years...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Long time no talk.

So it's kinda awkward. Yesterday before I was about to go to sleep two people I haven't spoke with, started talking to me. One said, "I haven't heard from you in awhile. The other one said, "I have you on my BL but I don't remember who you are." I wonder what the meaning is behind this. Don't bother talking to me if you are not attempting to either reconnect or venturing to hang out. If you're trying to get some answers from me for your own just, expect half ass answers. I will be disobliging to those that are obvious at this.

I need to try to have another film roll ready by tomorrow crap ._.
I'm also ordering more photo stuff, my total as of now is $93