Thursday, April 15, 2010

Obsession, Change, Dedication.

Notice: My blogs are shorter if I constantly post. In which my blogs happens to be horrifically long, its to make up for up coming days or days I have not posted.

Haven't posted in like three days now was it? Oh time progresses terribly fast. In my case for now, awfully slow. I've been obsessing over the time arrival of my new camera; Nikon D90 with 18-105mm lens. God damn it! It's still in transit to "Vernon". I hate this place, because I have no idea where it is!

As of now I am trying to sell a stranger my opened box of fiber photo paper. Its weird, like I might not trust someone to buy a box from unless its unopened. My reasons are because the box can be filled with any sheet of paper and you never know. Well I'm an honest person so my client is lucky. Teehee. I listed it as ~90+/100 sheets of paper. I'm well aware I only used 4 papers maximum. I'm thinking of taking like another 3-4 sheets of it. I mean its not dishonest or anything. End results the box still consist of ~90+ sheets :P Maybe I should ask if s/he is interested in purchasing my 35mm camera set too haha.
Well its confirmed. The customer and I are meeting on Sunday 10AM in front of borders around the parking lot. Oh man, I've never done a meet up before. This is kind of making me uncomfortable. I feel as if I need and should invite someone along. I'll try to be optimistic and think of the $50 I am going to make :)

I've also been looking at cars. I was on craigslist and I see two Mitsubishi Lancer Evo. Oh my god, they're so sexy. I want it! D: Oh well, probably settling with a Honda Civic EX instead :\

The crazy things we do for love...
So I've been thinking. Ever since I got a girlfriend, an incredible one if I may add. I think I've been turning into something I'm not. I don't refer to this as a bad thing, its just different. For one, I've been eating veggies and I got into salad wraps. >.> ewww... The other thing I thought of is that I tend to shop more. Weird? I know. I believe the world is ending. There's just some vibe I suppose she gives out haha. The negative thing about it all I guess, is the spending of money. I'm not saying she is materialistic either. Maybe its just my feeling of happiness I get with her which makes me want to make her happy in a way. I have to start seeing values in a penny again. Don't wanna turn into my sister.

The best shot can be lost less then a second...
Recently in my photo class, I've noticed so many in that class take it for granted. It really saddens me to know this, and I just kinda teared in my eyes haha. So lame, wow I'm getting really emotional all of a sudden. Anyways! Let me just rant about this. I'm not sure how many people feel this way, besides this girl. Apparently going out to take photo to her is "weird" unless someone is with you. I believe this is just total non-dedication. How are you going to care if someone has to be with you or not. If you ask me, I find it better to take photos alone. If I was to bring someone along with me, I have a guilt of them waiting for me to take my picture. Which then leads to rushing my picture. This may result in pictures that may not come out as I wanted. I guess my passion for photo burns brighter then theirs. I'm not trying to be cocky or anything either. I just admire it so

Additional info:
Feeling : Eye is pretty itchy maybe hair cut... psyche!
Yummy : Crush Cherry and maybe some hot cheetos soon.


  1. Hey your camera will get here. Monday. :)
    I like your pink background!

    Aww. Really? Being something that you're not? Don't do that. You should be yourself. You make me happy as it is. There is no need to make me happy with material things. :)

    OMG you should have made your meeting place in front of the Fremont Police Department! That what everyone does! It's safer...

  2. Mondays too long!

    I'm fine how I am right now though I'm not giving up soda and fast food and junk food so yeah ;D

    Lol, that's too far. I'll just go with my guts :3
