Sunday, April 11, 2010

Given up?

How my day is going... I woke up to the rain drops slightly and gently hitting my window. As I started to apprehend the weather, it made me more drowsy. I loved the cool atmosphere and somewhat peaceful house. I got even more comfortable in my soft cuddly blankeys and I drifted away into my sleep. As I was drifting off I kept of thinking of my homework. As I cannot comprehend that I have not yet done anything yet (read the bottom to understand part of my feelings). It made me feel eerie, but I love sleeping everything off. Eventually my hectic sister comes into the house, then starts to speaks absurdly. As I woke up to her never muted mouth, again the thoughts of my life started banging. There is just no way I can have any feelings of remorse, I believe everything is done for a reason. It's pretty contradicting but if seen through the rightful eye, I believe it can be assimilated.

Sometimes its just best to not think and just do.

With that being said, its true. Sometimes I would just be in the shower debating if I wanna wash my hair or not. I hate how I waste water so, I try not to think too much of it and just wash my hair. Now, I am having a homework situation. I know I should probably just do it/start on it, but I don't see the point anymore. I have like 4 paragraphs in-class for %35 of our grade. I got a D on the first one and an F on the 2nd. I'm probably gonna get a D on my next one, maybe. 25% is based on lab work which I get Ds or Fs on it. I'm just starting to lose hope I suppose, very sad really. If I started with all happy good grades, I wouldn't be posting this and I would probably be working on my homework right now. Or maybe I would be posting thinking I'm too good and I don't need to worry. Maybe the world is just too judgmental. Ever slightly I wonder, what if my African-American professor thinks that because I'm Asian, I don't belong in an English class. Well maybe I just contemplate too much... way too much...

Current song : You're Not Alone by Olive
Tabs : Ebay and Blogger
Feeling : Attempting to contemplate & Sleepy
Missing : Michelle and a cold icy soda :D
Chats : No one important


  1. NO DON'T GIVE UP!!! At least attempt it. That way, even if you fail, you can say that you've tried and it just didn't work out.
    Yeah...I am starting to believe that your English teacher is a hater! You're a hella good writer so I've read on your blogs with all of the vocabulary and detail...
    Miss you too. =]
