Monday, April 19, 2010

What a smiley face day!

So I went to sleep quite late last night. I thought I wouldn't be capable to wake up today. Thankfully I was able to wake up early enough to finish one homework assignment that was due today in English class. I had to do two, but I was only able to finish one. :\ I was very paranoid on turning it in.
Assile Osman, my buddy, worries me a lot. :\ This guy man, I swear he tells me he'll be at my house at 7:15AM. He then eventually shows up around 7:30AM. Gah, If he was any more late I would of gotten my mother to driven (is that a word?) me to school.
We arrive at Ohlone College, headed to the library. I give props to Assile, he's pretty dedicated in his education. I wish I was like that, but eh I guess it just isn't my forte.
I started to head to class, feeling remorse of my homework not being done. I waited in-front of class for around 2-3minutes just checking my mail through my iPod touch. At least the next person arrived after me was smart enough to look at the paper posted. It said class was canceled! Oh boy was I glad! This is why I am posting right now. This is probably the most earliest post I have ever made and will probably ever do. I am currently blogging in Hyman Hall, pretty loud computer work area.

Michelle do not get upset or angry at what you are going to read. If you think you will, please disregard the next paragraph. XD But I'm pretty sure we're gonna be open right? If you do get mad please notify me :3
So I am noticing this girl siting across from me. She looks pretty nice. :) She has a cute face. I think she would look better if her hair wasn't clipped upwards. I view all girls with their hair up in some fashion to be ugly, well not ugly, uhm... unattractive. Her eyes look nice too, well when she was looking down, haha. That might of sounded rude. Overall, looking unique.

So I have a girl and a guy next to me right now speaking Korean. Haha, what a beautiful language. Due to me over excessively obsessing with starcraft, popular Korean game league. Every time I hear people speaking Korean, that is the first thought that flies through my head. Overall, I love the girl's hair. Its like brunette with small few curls at the ends. Pretty cool, pretty cool.
There is also a guy siting where that other girl was siting. I'm glancing at his earring, wanting my ear to be like that. Too bad I'm afraid of needles XD so I guess I'll never get my ear pierced.

I guess I'm gonna end it here. I wish I brought my headphones :\ Have a nice day everyone. I hope your day is better then mine... HAH! Not today! My day pwns everyone's day today! Bwahaha!


I may/might not be posting for the next 1-7days. The reason with this is because I will be getting my DSLR(Digital Single Lens Reflex) camera today! Can't wait to get my Nikon D90 and play with it! Like all people we all part from what is important to fiddle with something of anew. I also won a bid yesterday on Ebay, for a 32GB SDHC memory card. This might not be arriving for 3-4weeks sadly. It is coming from China, or Hong Kong or Shanghai if you wanted to be specific. I think its easier to say China, unless I am living around China. I mean you aren't gonna get specific if you were in China, saying, "I'm getting a package from Ohio." I believe you'll just say the USA or US.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Something extra

You post a picture hoping to get a comment.
I post a picture for its content.
You tag others to be viewed.
I tag others for a break through.
You post a video, for its mischief.
I post a video to be informative.
So wassup?
Grow up.

Talk about being awake...

I woke up early, around 9. I set my alarm to that time yet I am incapable of my completion of waking up so early. So I set my alarm for an additional hour to sleep, then I get a call. The Honda dealership guy called me and asked if I was able to go again. This guy really wants to sell me the car, haha. I just kind of brushed him off, due to the lack of sleep. I slept pretty late tracking my DSLR package order. That and I didn't want to sleep until I played few games of starcraft and I kept losing. :\ I hate playing against 3 AI computers. :X But its more of a challenge then 1v1 comp. AI.

Got ready to go to Ohlone College, with all my photo materials. I had an empty box of photo paper, so I filled it half way with another box. I also brought my fiber based box of photo paper to sum them up. Oh man was it difficult to count in the dark. I was sure I used around 3-4 sheets and cut 1 up. When I counted the total came out to be 103? Haha, I must have miscounted. I just went to my photo site class where almost no one ever goes on. I went there to get some people's name haha. Good way for reference, due to my lack of memory. Apparently Ann won 2nd place in the photo contest, shes in my class. Also Kimhawk won 3rd, he's an acquaintance I've know for awhile. I didn't think it was the same guy, but apparently he is. Amazed me. His shot was spectacular too if I do say myself. I believe a guy in my class (still haven't learned his name so I went to look it up) name Chris wanted to buy a box of photo paper off me. I'm hoping he does, then I will be able to get my money back +$1.00. I was really hoping to make some profits with photo paper, guess not.
Started printing some shots for the stupid project. I made some super good! I was amazing surprised at how well I burned (technical term used in photography). I loved this print so much, I might not even give it to Michelle :\ LOL So I had my 3 set of photo ready, but I didn't like one of the set. I decided to make a new set, which took another hour and I don't think I like it either. Well I attempted to "spot" my pictures. Oh my god it was so fuckin' hard and requires so much patience, I hate it.
That reminds me I have to upload more shots I've been taking/printing in my photo class. I've been lagging on that area.

After photo I walked towards the bookstore. I purchased a PB&J sandwich, oh my god! Orgasm in my mouth... Enjoyed every single bite of it. I swear these sandwich are like so rare, lol. I believe the bookstore restocks on this once every two weeks, yet they run out within a day. That's how incredible they are! I also attempted to buy/drink an Arizona iced tea with cranberry juice. And the verdict, YUCK. I just finished it, forcefully. While I was heading back to my car, I forgot that I have left my photo binder in the bookstore. Shit, I thought. I have to walk all the way back up those damn stairs and then back down. Geez this is why my title of this blog is perfect. ._.

I came home and folded some clothes and organized some things in my car. After that I asked Marshall if I can drive his car. I wanted to see how it was to drive a manual. Talk about more difficulty! I was like a bobble-head in there! I felt sorry for Marshall because it was his car. I didn't know if I was damaging it so I felt some remorse. Again, If he reading this I thank you. I thanked him on facebook already :P

Oh man sometimes my mom just bewilder me so much my head hurts. She was asking me in Chinese,
Mom : What do you call those ghost things?
Me : Ghost.
Mom : What do they call them in India then?
Me : Wtf? They're still called ghost. I don't know how to speak Indian?
Mom : No, but they have horns!
Me : The devil? Here let me just google it ._.
Mom : No, I mean that thing you are in the chinese zodiac.
Me : Ox? Ram? *googles*
Mom : No not these! They have white fur!
Me : Oh my god, Sheep?! I don't think I'm a sheep in the chinese zodiac mom!
Mom : Yeah! Sheep, but they have horns!
Me : Goats?
Mom : Yes! Why that!

At the end, and from the beginning. My mom meant to say GOAT and not GHOST. Oh English language learners are so hard to cope with.

Well I need to clean up some, then get ready for bed. I will be waking up early tomorrow on my destination to my girlfriend's house. Oh shit, I wanna watch Star Trek movie before I go to sleep, damn. I probably left some information out of today but whatever. This is enough to read anyways.

Additional info:
Music: Justin Bierber - Baby ( yeah thats right shut up )
Mood: Sleepy, and needing to pee.
Yummy: Gonna go find some.

Enjoy the sunny weekend, Monday the rain water pours.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Obsession, Change, Dedication.

Notice: My blogs are shorter if I constantly post. In which my blogs happens to be horrifically long, its to make up for up coming days or days I have not posted.

Haven't posted in like three days now was it? Oh time progresses terribly fast. In my case for now, awfully slow. I've been obsessing over the time arrival of my new camera; Nikon D90 with 18-105mm lens. God damn it! It's still in transit to "Vernon". I hate this place, because I have no idea where it is!

As of now I am trying to sell a stranger my opened box of fiber photo paper. Its weird, like I might not trust someone to buy a box from unless its unopened. My reasons are because the box can be filled with any sheet of paper and you never know. Well I'm an honest person so my client is lucky. Teehee. I listed it as ~90+/100 sheets of paper. I'm well aware I only used 4 papers maximum. I'm thinking of taking like another 3-4 sheets of it. I mean its not dishonest or anything. End results the box still consist of ~90+ sheets :P Maybe I should ask if s/he is interested in purchasing my 35mm camera set too haha.
Well its confirmed. The customer and I are meeting on Sunday 10AM in front of borders around the parking lot. Oh man, I've never done a meet up before. This is kind of making me uncomfortable. I feel as if I need and should invite someone along. I'll try to be optimistic and think of the $50 I am going to make :)

I've also been looking at cars. I was on craigslist and I see two Mitsubishi Lancer Evo. Oh my god, they're so sexy. I want it! D: Oh well, probably settling with a Honda Civic EX instead :\

The crazy things we do for love...
So I've been thinking. Ever since I got a girlfriend, an incredible one if I may add. I think I've been turning into something I'm not. I don't refer to this as a bad thing, its just different. For one, I've been eating veggies and I got into salad wraps. >.> ewww... The other thing I thought of is that I tend to shop more. Weird? I know. I believe the world is ending. There's just some vibe I suppose she gives out haha. The negative thing about it all I guess, is the spending of money. I'm not saying she is materialistic either. Maybe its just my feeling of happiness I get with her which makes me want to make her happy in a way. I have to start seeing values in a penny again. Don't wanna turn into my sister.

The best shot can be lost less then a second...
Recently in my photo class, I've noticed so many in that class take it for granted. It really saddens me to know this, and I just kinda teared in my eyes haha. So lame, wow I'm getting really emotional all of a sudden. Anyways! Let me just rant about this. I'm not sure how many people feel this way, besides this girl. Apparently going out to take photo to her is "weird" unless someone is with you. I believe this is just total non-dedication. How are you going to care if someone has to be with you or not. If you ask me, I find it better to take photos alone. If I was to bring someone along with me, I have a guilt of them waiting for me to take my picture. Which then leads to rushing my picture. This may result in pictures that may not come out as I wanted. I guess my passion for photo burns brighter then theirs. I'm not trying to be cocky or anything either. I just admire it so

Additional info:
Feeling : Eye is pretty itchy maybe hair cut... psyche!
Yummy : Crush Cherry and maybe some hot cheetos soon.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Oh Engrish...

Ironic how the world functions, you may have love for one thing, but it can completely block you out...


Lets begin... I was doing my homework all night well partially. I was also on e-bay and maybe like 5minute of youtube. I had Rachel Ramos distract me from like 10-12, then she finally went to sleep. I found it creep that I actually finished all of it with some time to spare. As I am blogging right now, I should have been doing my Lab paragraph. But I finished that while I was supposed to be asleep I guess. I need to turn in my lab work soon, I've just been killing time and finishing other English work. Revising my how to paragraph it went from 4 pages to 2 pages and now 1.9 pages lol. Cutting it down yay. I'm pretty glad though that I am attempting to pass. I will finally find out if school is for me or not. I can't say I never tried! :)

English class was alright, not much to talk about. Had a guest speaker but it was really one of the counselors here at Ohlone.

Later I will be picking up my lady at JFK. I can't wait to see her :) I was about to get something for her too, hmm maybe I will get something for us. And not just her so she won't feel as guilty, teehee. I feel bad also that I might just go to sleep when I get to her house. Or actually maybe I'll make her come over for awhile then I will drive her back eventually! :) We shall see we shall see...

Oh boy I am hella sleepy... :\ I'll just cut it short here.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Given up?

How my day is going... I woke up to the rain drops slightly and gently hitting my window. As I started to apprehend the weather, it made me more drowsy. I loved the cool atmosphere and somewhat peaceful house. I got even more comfortable in my soft cuddly blankeys and I drifted away into my sleep. As I was drifting off I kept of thinking of my homework. As I cannot comprehend that I have not yet done anything yet (read the bottom to understand part of my feelings). It made me feel eerie, but I love sleeping everything off. Eventually my hectic sister comes into the house, then starts to speaks absurdly. As I woke up to her never muted mouth, again the thoughts of my life started banging. There is just no way I can have any feelings of remorse, I believe everything is done for a reason. It's pretty contradicting but if seen through the rightful eye, I believe it can be assimilated.

Sometimes its just best to not think and just do.

With that being said, its true. Sometimes I would just be in the shower debating if I wanna wash my hair or not. I hate how I waste water so, I try not to think too much of it and just wash my hair. Now, I am having a homework situation. I know I should probably just do it/start on it, but I don't see the point anymore. I have like 4 paragraphs in-class for %35 of our grade. I got a D on the first one and an F on the 2nd. I'm probably gonna get a D on my next one, maybe. 25% is based on lab work which I get Ds or Fs on it. I'm just starting to lose hope I suppose, very sad really. If I started with all happy good grades, I wouldn't be posting this and I would probably be working on my homework right now. Or maybe I would be posting thinking I'm too good and I don't need to worry. Maybe the world is just too judgmental. Ever slightly I wonder, what if my African-American professor thinks that because I'm Asian, I don't belong in an English class. Well maybe I just contemplate too much... way too much...

Current song : You're Not Alone by Olive
Tabs : Ebay and Blogger
Feeling : Attempting to contemplate & Sleepy
Missing : Michelle and a cold icy soda :D
Chats : No one important

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Aye Ess Dee Eff

asdf! So I should do my homework starting... now! But I'm blogging... LOL Ai yai ._. I've been putting off homework for 4 hours almost. Just thinking of it is too much! I don't want to do 2 paragraph's of homework. Gotta be all detailed and shit too. Gah. School is a poop, How do people stand college? I will never know. As of now I'm wondering what I should do. Maybe i'll do my, "how to" paragraph now after this blog. And I will do my other prompt writing paragraph tomorrow? Eh I'll just get to it soon. I hate how there are so many distractions in the world...

So I've ordered my DSLR camera finally! :D My D90 with 18-105mm lens. Oh boy I can't wait to get it in the mail. It haven't even shipped yet, so I can't really obsess on where it is at the very moment. Maybe its in the factory/shop still :[

Happy Two Weeks Michelle :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Continue. Continuum?

Guess what! I'm back in blogging :3 I have gotten somewhat better. So I thought I might do things a little bit different. Instead of writing about my day in chronological order I just wanna rant about how I've been feeling. If you don't give a dookie then don't read just stop right... now. x)

Some feelings I've been feeling, as of now very happy and great. I love this song, "ATB - Justify". It my favorite as of right now without knowing the meaning, haha. Its just...Oh, just the music just lovely.

Another feeling I've been having is; hopeless. I have been feeling this way because I've been like yeah I'll go to school take a few classes and pass em. This shouldn't be too hard. So I take English, Photo, and Math (12 credits total full time student). I got depressed after giving up math and right now I don't even think I can pass English. ._. So I've wasted my parent's money. :\ each credit is around $26 I think? so 12creditx26dollars is $312.00. Well idk it sounded hella more expensive before. (Maybe because I'm looking at my DSLR camera and its what making it seem cheap. lol). So I know for sure I lost the Math money ._. because I already withdrew from that. And now if I don't pass English which doesn't seem like I will, I should of just paid of photo ._.
All my English paragraphs are like D-F work ._. but outside of class work that needed to be submitted to another teacher, its like C-B work. *Sigh*

Lasty, my feeling of a brighter, newer, and hardworking life. Regardless, I know its not a career. I know many people strive for one, but I AM really okay with a simple every day job life. I may regret this later on, but I honestly don't know how it feels to be working an everyday job majority of people complain about. Maybe its because they own a home, car, and bills that are needed to be paid off. And I as of now, do not have any of that to worry about. But for now, I will save up all my money that would be made. The only money that will be spent is for food and gas money. So honestly I don't mind making min. wage, I don't understand why most of the people I know with job always complain. You are making money be happy, compared to the rest of us. You guys just honestly don't understand what you're complaining about. Sometimes I wonder, who is in the rightful position to be complaining, them or I.

Well I feel better expressing myself. I think that's all I'm going to do with this post. Oh right, the title is due to that I'm working on a photo project involving vast continuums and they're so annoying ._.
So, I've been checking out this sexy ass babe. Her name is, Nikon D90 <3 I think I'll give her a nickname when I get my own. I shall name her "Picky-Clicky" But recently, I've been told to get other models and even brands. The Canon EOS 40D and Nikon D300(or was it D3000). Ugh, I've been debating recently and I've been tempted to get the EOS 40D for its fast frame per sec. shooting.

Have a nice day everyone :3 Take-E cares :)

2days until 2week anniversary of being the most luckiest guy :3

Monday, April 5, 2010

Oh when does the story continue?!

When I get better :P
Started to get a toothache now, eff my wisdom toofh yeah I spelt it like that >:0 Do something!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Head owie...


I went to JFK to get Michelle at 11:40, because Chin told me that time. -.- But they actually get out at 12:40. So I got in-front of room 500 to wait for Michelle. When she came out she looked stunning with her matching grey outfit with her Hello Kitty necklace. Later on we got a ride from Chin Ming Lui. We got to our house fun fun. Got straight into playing super smash brothers brawl. Sergio came by later to play with us too :D
Later, Brian, Michelle, and I went to the mall. Because Brian wanted to play ID3 (initial D). Now he owes me $5 :D I played DDR for Michelle, but then my stupid heart condition came up. Gah screw you AVNRT :\ We went to Sanrio to look around then I saw some of my old friends. Danielle and Maria started to talk to me, and I introduced them to my girlfriend and my cousin. After we left I dropped Brian off, then I dropped Michelle off. I should of dropped Michelle off first because I didn't know she had to be home before 8:00PM. So I started to rush her home, and Brian would of loved the ride, lol. Thankfully I got her home in time. I called Michelle later that night just because I felt like talking to her, or maybe I just miss her too much. Hehe

Today: Just gonna stay home and relax a little. I don't even wanna blog right now ._. My head still hurts, so yeah. my blogs would be better if my head wasn't so owie right now.