Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A B .. Oh theres no C!

Woo! I forgot to post this, but few days ago I checked my grades. Yup yup! I got all A's and one B! I'm so happy! I forgot to treat myself for the past 2-3 days :\ I will treat myself to... Tapioca, Jamba Juice, or something unhealthy :D

Photoshop - A
Intermediate B&W Photo - A
Digital Photo - A
English - B

Currently on my mind. I'm monitoring my uncle's computer on how much bandwidth he is using. Usually it doesn't go over 800MB at most. Somehow he's up to 1GB WTF ._. So I lowered his limit -_- No one uses over 1GB ONLY ME! Muahaha I'm horrible x] Would you look at that, he just got off. He used more than I currently ._.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I like it better when you're naked...

It's just more sexy! And I'm talking about my iPhone by the way.

So yeah I was cleaning it one day, and gosh I miss using my iPhone without a case. It just feels so much better without it! So the question is, do I risk damaging it for the sake of how it feels in my hand? Or do I keep it safe/baby it and sell it in the future for a decent price? Decisions decisions!

Summer is gonna be so boring! QQ :\ Still gotta take some of my close friends out to lunch/dinner :]

Ok so I think I'm being mean. I find it amusing that someone's stress can entertain me. The way they are so juts so dramatic... Well I suppose it depends on the person.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Forgive me...

I threw away some, well a plate of food yesterday from the pregrad ceremony.

I don't feel like typing lots so I'll try to make it brief :p
Took 500~ Pictures yesterday. Keeping 453, and giving it to my client.
Good experience, how ever I didn't like the shoes I wore ._.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

Finals day

So I'm skeptical about this whole dollar soda thing at Mcdonalds. Recently they are giving any size soda for $1.00! I was like whoa! Yummy! So I went there and ordered a large Dr Pepper. Was it a dollar? Yes it was and I'm amazed! While I was gonna pay for the item, the women saw in my car. She was all, "Whoa thats a big book you got there. I was never good at school so yeah your book is already giving me a headache" Haha she sure was quite a talker. I enjoyed her momentary company though. Surely I will go back just to see her, not my type of girl (tattoos and punkish), but fun to talk to.
Also in this picture you can see a big ass book I got, hehe.

I made a video blog, but I don't like my voice. So I don't think I will be uploading it, hah. Ugh makes me want to use my video on my camera for something though...

Woke up at 4AM doing homework and studying for my finals. I was texting this person when my finals began. It was enjoyable until the late responses. I hate it when all of a sudden you stop getting replies from a person. Starts with minutes, then onto hours...Meh...

Oh when I got home I got something in the mail! I was scared to open it... I get nervous whenever I get mail from like the state or country. It's just creepy even though I know I did nothing wrong. But it was tax refund! Woohoo! I got $353. I want to spend it, but then again I think I should save it. Maybe i'll just use $100 and treat myself to something nice. Finals are over, I deserve it.

Speaking of finals being over, so is the semester. I got so many hugs today! I almost forgot how enjoyable they were! Yeah, I know many of you are like hugs? pfft I get them as easy as air! Well for me Mr/Ms! They are as hard to come by as radio with decent music! I think I got like 5-6 hugs today? (:

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sometimes I feel...

Credits : Benites_Lindsey

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Relief and remembering

Oh boy! Spring semester is almost over! :] Hell lot of things to do though! QQ!
Adobe photoshop big assignment.
Adobe photoshop take home quiz. CHALLENGING AS HELL!
B&W photography last critique on your best photos
English research, note card, and essay on Monday

I'm trying to finish up the quiz right now. After I will be writing a small sincere note to a person in my English class.

Just going back, I remember when I was quiet and had a gf. We were at Tapioca and she was being the social butterfly she is. I on the other hand was being quiet and not interacting. I had a flip phone back then with no text. I remember her texting me, "I like you. :)" Usually I would be like damn it, another $0.10 on my bill. Made me happy, just one of those unforgettable moments I guess.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

New look?

Went to sleep at like 5 in the morning. All bad. Woke up around 11:20AM from a number I did not recognize. I was like hmm, well maybe its important and I should pick it up. So I did, and it was indeed important. It was a call from Walmart telling me that my glasses are ready for pick up. Woo! ...And I fell back asleep LOL

My dad eventually was about to head out for groceries, so I scattered off my bed to the door. I asked, "Where are you going? Can you take me to Walmart? They called and said it was ready for pick up." My dad was surprised how fast it was, because I went there on Tuesday. They said they would have it done in a week, but it only took two days. Yay! New glasses and I kinda like them more then my other one. :] Pretty cheap too, my mom beg to differ. She liked my old ones, which I was not too fond of so I never wore them.

As always going out with my dad, always meant going somewhere else. OH EM GEE THE CAR WAS HOT ._. QQ!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Blew a pop quiz QQ

As title said... :\ Pretty unhappy about it ._.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Inconsideratness... I swear.

I feel like I need to move really. I can't handle how inconsiderate and immature my family is. Not just my family in general, but majority of my cousins as well. I don't care if they read this, but I'm just being honest. My cousin Brian, he always wakes me up while I'm asleep. Really, I mean how rude. That's not just him either. I think almost all my little cousins do this shit to me. Another note on Brian, he goes on and orders photo stuff without adding my orders in. We were supposed to order it together, but he wanted it by Friday. Which was understandable; however, don't you have the decency of notifying me? Pfft, as of now I don't even feel like teaching you how to develop prints. You can take/pay for classes and learn yourself and from a teacher/professor. Moving onto my sister, I swear I believe she is the most inconsiderate one of all. She has a minor detail wrong with her teeth that isn't straight. And by this she wants braces, which will cost over $1,000. I find this ridiculous, how perfect do you want to be? NO ONE IS PERFECT! I swear, I feel like leaving a scar on her face. Would you get face surgery for that too? Geez, there is a limitation to these kind of things. Hell, I think she needs help. Like those people who purge themselves just to be skinny. My overbite is so overly deep, sometimes it pains my wisdom teeth. I, however have not even removed my wisdom teeth; nor got braces. I choose not to because I don't want to run my family's budget. We don't have dental insurance and yet my sister wants to do this. The braces idea game from my little two cousins, who just recently got them. My uncle comes into my room to speak to me about going to LA every two weeks. So I ask why? He says, "Oh, so you can take my kids to the dentist." This raged me inside, It's not just the kids who are inconsiderate, but also the parents. I'm not going to sugarcoat how I am feeling, so here goes.
Dude, I ain't going to fuckin' drive your kids to LA just because you don't want to. Take your own fuckin' responsibility to take them. Don't dump their shit onto me. I'm sick of doing shit for your family. My dad does enough for you, I'm not going to let you take advantage of me as you do with him. As nice as I am I let few things go, but there is an extent on how far it can go. Unless you will pay for my braces and will have some benefactor in this, it's not happening. Should I apologize? No. Truthfully, if someone in my family dies. I don't think I will show any remorse or sympathy. Sometimes I wonder, if I am over thinking this. I mean, some of my other cousins are not as bad. Eileen and Josephine never wake me up while I am still asleep.

I think my thoughts are all negative. I know I mentioned this before, but I will mention it again. If you really want to text/talk to me. Make sure you do it like a week, at least a day before notice. (: If you're going to text me last minute asking for help with something, I may not be so kind. "Can you help me get to this party at _____?" Uh, no? I don't find you a good friend, so no. :) YES I WILL ADD THE SMILEY FACE IN THERE TOO If the situation calls for an emergency with kindness, "I'm sorry to bother you, but can you take me to the hospital because...." Of course I would most likely say yes for those types of things. It's the matter of the situation. Lying is bad, you reap what you sow.

Change of mood- Don't you find it funny when people ask you a question, but go on a story answering their own question? Let me try to think of one. Hmm...
"Have you been to disneyland? I went during blah blah blah." And before you know it, you couldn't even answer the question. Hell the topic has probably changed or it's about roller-coasters. People really need to shut up sometimes, if they are really interested. Maybe it's just a sign of nervousness *shrug*

Things I should of posted, but failed to.
- Jury Duty
- Oakland with Dad
- Photo job