Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Finally last day until spring break...

So Im at hyman hall typing this. Whoa this font looks different. Anyways, because I do not want to waste gas im not going home to sleep :\ I got some shut eye in my car for like an hour. I only had like an hour sleep, so I am running on coffee as of now. I kinda don't want to go to digital photo or adobe ps class. I don't have anything to turn in for digital; obsession project. And my adobe ps photo needs more work ._. I'm on my friend's laptop and they decdied to limit this ip addy because I was attempting to play league of legends xD Then when I noticed its just too impossible to play, I gave up. I noticed the video after was loading incredibily slow, so I was like wtf... I decided to renew the IP address to this computer and connection was back to being stable. Meh, I think that'll be all I will be posting today.
Have nice day!

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