Thursday, March 31, 2011

Milk... Memories!

So I downed a decent size bottle of milk to count as a glass... Ugh! Tasted horrible! Upside is that I remembered a moment back when I was younger. The taste took me down memory lane. Ironic how something that taste bad can give you good memories.

My mom and dad's order from eBay they made me buy came in. Now they have a new phone to give away to relatives. What I dislike about this is, they make me all the technical work ._. Even though its new, they are still going to test it out and what not I guess.
Speaking of eBay. I found some guy selling a Nikon 17-55mm lens in Fremont! So I emailed him and he said I can come take a look at it. I would have to go to Frys and meet him there, but I decided to go tomorrow when I'm more dressed. Haven't heard from yet, but hoping I can postpone it.

I have jury duty, QQ! Damn, its gotta be all the way down in Oakland too. Blasphemy making me go all the way down there. I wonder if they will cover my trip. Hah! I was totally thinking of bringing my camera down there, because I never been there. Bad part about this is, I have more negative thoughts than positive in this scenario. Oakland is one of the unsafe cities, and I don't think they will let me bring it into court either.

Some random thought, or thing I noticed. I find some Filipino/Viet to be the most... Hmm I kinda want to say the word senseless. Maybe inconsiderate would be better, one or the other. Yeah... I find them to be the most ___________ (put either in there).
It's always good to follow up with examples, but sometimes things are best left unsaid. I guess I should have one thing to back it up. At one moment while I was texting, this is what I noticed. Guy or girl would be appreciative of something you do/did; however, once it is complete, that's where it ends. This is why I think they are ________. Not just because of the fact that its rude to do such things without following up. The bigger idea is do not say, or do things you do not mean. If BOB is really happy that you call them. Then the next day you call BOB, but he won't pick up. So yeah, WTF...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I try out a smile and aim it at you. You must have missed it, you always do...

Think I'm starting to like them white girl song writers... x]

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thoughts before homework

Sometimes I wonder...
Does my cousins really matter to me...?
Why does this world have such addiction/reliance to electronics.
Why do we remember the negatives; more than the positives. When a negative feedback can be forgotten, however; a positive one can be as easy to forget.

Well, time to do English homework. Eat two boiled eggs while at it and maybe a fruit roll up.

Monday, March 21, 2011

New iPhone 4 Protection... From babies...

Bad start.

Yesterday was a bad awakening! My dad was being an idiot and doesn't remember the information I gave him to my health account. And my aunt was like oh remember your son getting an Xray? I need to see it blah blah blah. JUST GOOGLE SOME SHIT... -_- So annoying so I had to get up walk to the living room all drowsy. And I'm like GEEZ DAD ITS RIGHT HERE IN THE NOTEBOOK I WROTE IT DOWN I KNOW IT. So I found it and frustratingly pointed it in his face. My aunt felt sorry so she was like, "I remember giving you money for your bday made you happy so let me give you some more". I felt so guilty so I'm like no no, yenno the whole asian routine with the money scenario. So soon after my aunt leaves $50 on my chair. TOTALLY WORTH GETTING UP FOR $50! Aha!
My parents made me buy a phone on eBay, similarity bidding on one as well. Geez, I wonder how much I spent on eBay these past two months... I feel like I used at least $400. Of course a friend asking me to buy stuff for him and being paid back.
My mom cooked some noodles... I dunno what she put in there but my tummy has been hurting. -_-

UGH I HAVENT SLEPT YET! And I thought hey McDonalds is almost open why not just wait and use up a coupon. I'm not doing anything till 2-3PM today; therefore, get my dad some McDs. So I did went out at 5AM to McDs. HORRIBLE! I had to wait till 5:30 ._. horrible horrible. I actually Emailed McDonalds, saying how terrible their information provided was. Yelp, and their own site says drive through is open at 5AM; fools!

Bah title seems so negative. Well looking on the optimistic side; I got iced tea, $50, pretty new pink iPhone 4 case, on spring break, and I might be able to go out and take pictures today! (: Oh right and the most best part I wanna say is, late birthday present from my best friend, Nancy.

HAH! My class alarm just came on, I gotta turn that off.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011


First time in a long time. I watched Hachiko; both orginal(Japanese) and the remake (American). The American one made me cry; however, I liked the original better. It was sooo cuuuuteeee.

On another topic, I wanna rant about my pictures. So I'm starting to like my pictures a little more than usual. This in regard is making me start to contradict myself. I think ten picture out of 100 would be reasonable. At the moment I'm liking around like 80/100. And these were family pictures, so maybe that could be a reason why. Family of course always has more meaning and it's more attached.
I will include some of my black and white photos possibly later on a new post. Now this was more reasonable, because I only liked 6/36 photo-ish

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Finally last day until spring break...

So Im at hyman hall typing this. Whoa this font looks different. Anyways, because I do not want to waste gas im not going home to sleep :\ I got some shut eye in my car for like an hour. I only had like an hour sleep, so I am running on coffee as of now. I kinda don't want to go to digital photo or adobe ps class. I don't have anything to turn in for digital; obsession project. And my adobe ps photo needs more work ._. I'm on my friend's laptop and they decdied to limit this ip addy because I was attempting to play league of legends xD Then when I noticed its just too impossible to play, I gave up. I noticed the video after was loading incredibily slow, so I was like wtf... I decided to renew the IP address to this computer and connection was back to being stable. Meh, I think that'll be all I will be posting today.
Have nice day!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fux the celebs

So much news on Sheen and how he is making his own show getting fired? Ugh who cares?! If you're into that just watch TMZ... It doesn't have to be on the news...
And now I hear Kayne's new song. Well its old, but I just heard it apparently; called Power. ANOTHER UNORIGINAL SONG. I knew I heard this background music from somewhere before, so I did a little research on it. Was I correct? Yes I was. The original song was, "21st Century Schizoid man" by King Crimson. That's all I want to rant about today, school tomorrow; good night.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

"Clip the clocks wings"

Gah time is just going by too fast... Not enough time for my homework assignments :\

I am so unmotivated to do homework, take pictures, play video games. What is wrong with me ._. I just feel like eating, A LOT. I ate like 5 pieces of chicken and two box of Jollibee spaghetti.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Gah I didn't go to school today. Waking up from a continuous cold I have from yesterday. Regardless I have to go to class at 5:30PM, for my buddy Anthony is helping me out with an assignment.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Oh how I wish I was more enthusiastic for this blog.

I think I caught a cold. Friggin' shirt wasn't warm enough! Either ways I wanted thought it was importatnt to jot down things that happened yesterday as well as today. But before I get into that, I gotta say. Everyone that is into Kaskade, FYI LNA IS KASKADE! >:[ Oh and my teef hurts :\

Morning... Hmm, not much to talk about. After first class, I had to go back home to take care of some business. I thought I was gonna be there for the whole day, but I guess not.
Went home took a nap. Went back to the photo lab to sell Emily photo paper. Before I got there I saw Honey. We converse a little; her cute as always. Soon after Mr. Mueller sees me ask says, "Hey Emily is waiting for you, stop flirting!" So I got to her and sold her 100sheets of 8x10 glossy for $55. Went in front of digital photo, chilled with my new buddy Anthony. Don't wanna call him a friend yet, but he's really cool. He was like, "Damn our teacher being a cock block man!" Which was really funny, haha.
After class Anthony dropped me off at Subway. I walked back with a cup of starbucks caramel frap, and subway sandwich. I was organizing my stuff in the car and I left my frap on top of my car. I sat at my car and enjoyed myself. I almost forgot it was on top of my car, a black guy walked past and was like, "Aye yo, you know that you got a drink on top of your car right?" I'm like, "OH CRAP! I almost forgot!" He handed it to me through the window, and I was very grateful. He then walked away saying, "Oh no prob no prob." It was very ironic because I was just thinking about being kind to others and good hearted. Then this act of kindness occurs. I really hope good karma gets back at him. :)

I went into Hyman Hall to take my English module quiz after my meal. There was this asian girl that parked in front of me. Gosh it was really such an ironic day! Earlier I said about being kind hearted, nicer world, and what not. I was thinking of something corny, maybe I should write a note and put it on her windshield wipers. Thankfully I didn't or it would of been really awkward aha. She noticed me too, she said to me, "Hey I think I parked in front of you." I replied, "Oh? I think you did. How come you didn't tell me about the drink that was still on top of my car?!" She was all, "Oh I didn't know." And off I was to take my quiz/test

Processed film, printed a few prints. Samantha really liked my satin paper. She was grasping it for so long, it was very entertaining. She was so weird today, Teresa and I found it very pleasing. After class waiting for our prints to come out of the drying machine, a girl asked me, "Are you Will?" I'm like, "Yup, are you Monica?" And we shook hands :] She was a girl I was emailing unknowingly about her friend buying photo paper. I suppose I have to thank Emily for that. By being generous of helping her instead of printing. I got to know another girl in my class better. She's pretty cute; I love her hair. Her personality on the other hand kinda intimidates me.
Honestly, If you know a lot of big words and talk very smart like... it scares people... LOL Thats why I try to 90% dumb it down. I believe I'm more used to talking to people with English not being their first language too.

Truly, It's a great feeling to talk with new people.

Today some person was supposed to buy my earphones but I guess they don't want them anymore...
Mom was prettying annoying today, bothering me nonstop. I think I was frustrated because I was sick, and I really wanted to relax when I'm not stressed at school.

I didn't even start on my English homework ._. Think I will start it now. Thanks for reading!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Thought I'd share.

I found this picture through google.

This is how a dark room looks like with some light I guess. Of course you will NEVER use flash in a dark room or have good lighting in one. This is how it looks like! I thought this was a very good picture of a dark room. This is like my most favorite place in the world!
...For now...

Friday, March 4, 2011

The cost...

Okay so I was wrong on the cost of photo paper ._.
I just checked again...
Fiber > SATIN > Pearl > Glossy.
Who would of thought satin came 2nd?!

Oh yeah and its my birthday... but yenno, photo is more important.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I approve!

These are my prints, taken by my iphone4.

I'm just such a nice guy. I thought of many others today! I brought an umbrella and a hoodie jacket just in case it was going to rain. I would wear the jacket and hold that umbrella for those more in need. I was in the beginning photography class, gave up my enlarger for another student. I had 30 minutes to print 1-2 photos, but instead I taught a student how to use an enlarger. If this was elementary school, I'd get some sorta consideration award oh and of course a pencil, oh hell yea ;D

Speaking of photo! I finally got to use my 5x7! And I have to say, they turned out so smexy! So apparently satin looks very like pearl, but in my opinion, more contrasty. Overall I do like it!