Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Something New

I decided to change up my bloggerspot I think I'll be trying to use it more anyways... Yup yup I love my new design spent 30min-60min on it. I'll be trying to upload a picture of something recent I took if possible if I don't post :P

Thanks for reading/following. Kudos!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Quote from a song I deeply love.

"Love is not a trend."

Can't do it.


Sunday, June 27, 2010

*sigh* You are not hardcore...

I love how kids these days can say shit behind the internet. If you're gonna be all hard shit then say it to my face. Thinking you know the situation, assuming before analyzing? That just shows you are still fuckin' immature. Either go through puberty faster, or keep your mouth shut. I don't give a shit, I have far more important things in life that is worth my time compared to the mistakes the world got bringing you into it.

Don't give in, Give out. Don't go in and become like the others, go out and be another. Explore then to be cooped up. :)

The days...

So at 11:52PM today all I could think about was the up coming 8 minutes. I was not able to leave Alfonzo's house because her aunt wanted me to drive her to buy liquor. I stayed for awhile and the Three people I was with got all crazy. I was taking care of them and now I'm finally home. I texted some people about this day but they all said it would be better if I..., but I shall await. Oh well, I don't know what to do. I'm hella pooped though. Good night.

Do not become too reliant on drugs, or they will be your life and your life will be theirs... :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


So my sister got a Tattoo today of a fuckin stupid hello kitty bow... I'm just so speechless and can't believe how unthoughtful she was... Was she thinking about mom and dad before she did this? She already has a fuckin' tattoo of some gibberish on her back that she's been hiding. My mom saw it and the parents had a dispute with her and I have to suffer the loud appalled voices. Why is my sister so inconsiderate, not to even think of me, not even going through it with me. Should I have some say in this? Why do I have to keep my mouth shut while you do your secret shit. I've been so nice to you, to not reveal your stupid actions.
There is such thing as a trend, and something meaningful. When hello kitty perishes what then? You're just so damn cool with a bow on your wrist? At least have it meaningful... There is no justified meaning in a pink bow...
Its funny how I hate how my parents let us do what we want. Sometimes I wish we had more strict parents. If we had a white family, after 18 we'd probably get sent out on our own. I wish it was like that right now, then there would be no way my sister would have been able to afford a tattoo ._.
I'm too mad and speechless to rant anymore...

...Yet I know after this post it just a sticker of a smile slapped on my face...

Monday, June 21, 2010

First day of summer.

I just saw it on Google LOL I love how google's picture ad thingy ma-bob keeps me updated with almost every historical/yearly events. I didn't even know it was the first day of summer.

Well I think this is m first year of summer where I actually am working hard. Eh... Not that its gonna last long but i'm just saying.
Summer school Freshman year was a pain with English but all good.
Summer school taking PE was fun, I actually broke sweats :P But that was the heat.
Hope you catch my drift :P

Well working 6AM-9PM for this week, Fuck moi life ya? x_x

Thank you and have a nice day.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Can you please...?

I don't understand why people offer to do something when they fuckin' don't go all the way through with it. If you can't manage to follow through at least fuckin' say so afterwords. I'm starting to lose my interest in these people or talking to their flakin' ass.

Another thing I want to rant on is that why would someone bitch about something when you can fuckin' do something about it.
Facebook, A person said they're lonely. If you're lonely why don't you hit someone up because we all know you have friends... Me, when I feel lonely I might go to my mommy because family are always better than friends. I love my mother so I would choose her over anyone. She can be frustrating at moments but all my love still belongs to her :D

Sometimes I feel like I want to be an asshole to people infront of their face, and tell the truth. Its not like they're important to me. And maybe they'll improve their pathetic self.

Friday, June 18, 2010

How sad....

So I just realized that life is bull shit...
Didn't hit me till today because these mexicans got $600~ for their paycheck. I was jealous till my co-worker said, "You're just working for your car right? They however are working to pay off rent and what not." So food for thought, I never deeply considered their life style. In someway, I put it as they're just working to survive. I know I should be glad I'm not in their shoes, however if I was, I don't think I would be able to make it. I should be glad I am not one of them. I feel really bad now for calling them inconsiderate in my mind... Maybe they're just stressing and too grumpy. Regardless I've always been nice to each and every single worker there.

Well I'm gonna be working overtime tomorrow, I too like money :)

Something out of the randomness: My finger smells like mustard :3

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Note to self.

Rant about life and friends and how the virtual world is meaningless.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Oh the thoughts...

Watched Dear John today. I liked it, good movie. Just I don't understand how you can write to someone constantly everyday... It just kinda seems absurd. I can't even post daily, lol. ifail...

Anyways after 3 sick days ._. and still trying to recover the first thing I ended up doing is playing starcraft II Beta, HAH. I fail again...

Somethings I really wanted to do...
-Eat double Vanilla ice cream thats been siting in my fridge.
-Buy Cherry 7UP
-Take the gf Swimming
-Play some people in SC2
-eat something yummy like omg im dying of hunger right now :[ *cries and pouts*