Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pick me up?

Oh I had a rant yesterday but I forgot it...

Yeah, having a job isn't as go-happy as I thought. I suppose if its an simpler job it would be okay. I think I'm doing too much of a hard manual labor job ._. Debating on quitting but if I do its back to school for me. I don't wanna go back to school, I'll only go for photo class though. So I make $10 an hour. I work 8hours everyday. 5 days this week. so I make $80 a day x5. I make 400.00 a week. Then you -tax money. GAY... Idk, but I'll just cut that in half so I make around $200 a week. Hm...

Well today I wanted to drop off my girlfriend, Michelle at school. But she said she was already going so, I guess I couldn't see her today. At least it would of made my day better. Guess its all exhaustion and stress from here.

So at work I have to learn the basics which were putting a stand, power supply, blue-tooth, camera, microphone, audio, 2 speakers, and 3 fans into the computer.
Now I have to learn more stuff; motherboard, antenna, system set up, system failures, write reports, request/ask for materials. Basically more shit added onto the first pile of shit so it gets shittier ._.

I thought I would never complain because work is work. But maybe I'm complaining just because the work condition sucks. Maybe I will work better if I had English speakers, better instructions/instructors/leaders, friends maybe, and not a crowded/packed working environment._.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Really now?

4th day working. I'll try to make this short. I'm sorry I haven't been posting for those who like to read about my day x) I never knew what labor was, until I started working. LOL My pretty hands are now all like stubby like. :\ I miss my soft hands! haha I feel it getting rough and stuff... :\ I haven't been using my Nikon D90 either! My poor baby! Baby baby baby nooo!! Well my stubby, working hands are probably not worth touching that god like camera anymore :[

That's all I wanted to post. Working getting me super tired lately, yup yup.

I super Miss MICHELLE TOO! D:

Friday, May 7, 2010

To Michelle; From facebook.

I'm not gonna try to drag this conversation along, just because we can save it to talk about in person instead of being so quiet XD

And you can always erase/delete what you write before confirming. XD
Lol, but what if sometimes I get lazy? I just wanna ask you, and make you think about it haha. Besides if I know you would be okay with something, I would like to be reassured. :P
When you gave the examples of how clingy you were, I suppose only a girl could tell. I find that just sweet and cute. But don't cry for me... please ._. lol. such a waste of tears.
Sure, i'll let you know if something bothers me and you do the same :3
Dang girl you should just think of these stuff to say and say it to me in person. Then we'll have long conversations again! haha.
Hehe thats good, don't be to stressed out its bad for you!
I hope you're sleeping well. I think the next time I will see you is Sunday, May 16th. Which is like 10days from now. 9days from when you read this.