Sunday, April 22, 2012

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The news today...

So I'm sitting here watching the news because my online game isn't online. Some stupid server problems.. blehhh. Anyways, I was watching the news and they were talking about some soccer game going out of control. More than seven (or seventy) people were injured.
Whops I found out 73 people died. Link of the news can be found here.
So this is my rant. The news anchor says they will be taking blood donations. I guess this applies to all to their race and soccer fans... In my opinion I think that's their own fault. That's why hospitals have those donor lists. If you're gonna commit suicide and it happens to end you up in the hospital, you will not be able to get a transplant. Hence I go on in saying, if you're going to jump on the field and start total chaos and end up hurt, they have no sympathy from me.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A B .. Oh theres no C!

Woo! I forgot to post this, but few days ago I checked my grades. Yup yup! I got all A's and one B! I'm so happy! I forgot to treat myself for the past 2-3 days :\ I will treat myself to... Tapioca, Jamba Juice, or something unhealthy :D

Photoshop - A
Intermediate B&W Photo - A
Digital Photo - A
English - B

Currently on my mind. I'm monitoring my uncle's computer on how much bandwidth he is using. Usually it doesn't go over 800MB at most. Somehow he's up to 1GB WTF ._. So I lowered his limit -_- No one uses over 1GB ONLY ME! Muahaha I'm horrible x] Would you look at that, he just got off. He used more than I currently ._.